Chapter 15

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-Kara pov-
"Ok according to the book I just have to give this drink to them" We all look at Lena as she puts to blue liquids into baby bottles "It will allow them to go in between adult and child forms! It would be perfect! We can finally know their true ages!"

"Ava will be able to be a baby or child when she feels little?" We nod and Sara shakes her head "I will never understand magic"

"I figure being with Constantine you would have stopped questioning by now" We all jump and turn toward Oliver Queen walking into the house "Hello"

"So we have a time problem" I look at a girl that looks like a combo of Iris and Barry a little bit "We might of accidentally brought him from the past"

"How many times do I have to say I am not from the past?!" Oliver looks me in the eyes and I can see truth along with annoyance "Deceased was a long shot in what I am but of this world fully is not close either"

"No you are from the new multiverse" I sigh as I see pain in his eyes "Memories that are not your have started forming"

"My planet hated me" Oliver sighs "I could not save Felicity and...I lost you and Barry before I could make the deal"

"You go and explain to your father how he got here" The girl nods and runs out "Oliver I will take you to Barry in a second ok? I have to be here for this"

"It is too late to take him back" I jump and turn to see a frowning Barry with the girl "I can take care of him and get him settled into the Earth we are on"

I nod and he speeds out with the two "So as we were" I turn and Lena holds out the bottles "Drink if you want the full transformation"

"But you do not have to" I make sure the two are looking me in the eyes "No one will judge you"

"Last time Lena did magic potions I lost my leg control" I groan and look at the doorway to see Nia alone "You really need better locks on these doors"

"I KNOW!" I take a deep breath and look at the two "Nothing will happen ok? You will be perfectly fine"

They both share a silent conversation before slowly taking the bottles. Andrea drinks but Ava seems hesitant. She just keeps looking at the bottle. I nudge Sara and nod toward Ava.

"What is wrong Ava?" Ava goes to answer but closes her mouth "Babe?"

"I am sca~"

She is cut off as Andrea slowly starts shrinking. We all watch and I expect her to be turned into a toddler honestly. When she keeps shrinking past that my eyes go wide. I was not expecting the baby that Esme picks out from the clothes pile.

"Momma look!" She looks so happy holding baby Andrea "She is a naked baby now! She is so adorable!"

"I guess those lactation pills came in handy huh?" I nod as Eliza slowly takes Andrea who is looking around in wander "Hello baby Andy! Are you thirsty?"

She soon whines and Eliza pulls her boobs out to nurse. She walks away whispering to baby Andrea. I look to see Sara has gone beside Ava. They are whispering before Ava nods. Sara stands up and walks over to me.

"She wants you to feed her" I smile and walk over to Ava "She also wants you to sing her a song"

"Babying already huh?" I pick her up and she giggles as I tickle her side "I got the perfect song for the perfect princess"

-Kara singing-

Goodnight, my angel
Time to close your eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say
I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know
Wherever you may go
No matter where you are
I never will be far away

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay
And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark
And deep inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullabye
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me

Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabyes go on and on...
They never die
That's how you
And I
Will be

"What?" I look at everyone confused as Ava sleeps in my arms "You all look like a murdered someone"

"You and Ava need therapy" It is my turn to be confused now "That song sounds so much worse than any nursery rhyme!"

"I thought it was nice" I look down in my arms and watch Ava start shrinking "She did too!"

I smile as she becomes an infant in my arms. I look at Sara and see she wants to hold her girlfriend. I hold her out and Sara takes her slowly. I smile and let them have their space.

I quickly write a note and speed out of the house. I race to star labs and find everyone. Oliver is the first to notice me. When everyone else notices I get hellos.

"You could not bring Caitlyn?" I see Iris smirk and raise a eyebrow "She having fun?"

"I am treating her and Frost like royalty!" I look at Barry and Oliver "Have you told Felicity?"

"He had Cisco get me" I turn as Felicity slowly walks in " really are is this possible?"

"I came from a earth I lost everyone" Oliver walks over to Felicity and grabs her hands "I may not be your Oliver but I have all the memories and emotions! I am willing to start at the beginning if you can give me a chance"

"Really?" He nods and Felicity is in tears "I would like to try that Ollie"

"I know that phrasing" Oliver sighs and steps back "I knew it was a long shot"

"My Oliver is waiting for me in the after life" Felicity looks over at me "That means no joining you all either"

"That is fine" I smile genuinely at her "No problem here"

"I want you to be yourself ok?" Oliver nods and seems to be ok with this "How about you give my Oliver's kids a good father though"

"I can do that" Oliver and Felicity join hands "Thank you"

I watch them leave with a smile. I say goodbye to my friends and go back to my family. I smile when I see they are all happy. Everything is going so well.

Maybe nothing dark is coming our way.

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