Chapter 12

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-Kara pov-
"I am going to beat your ass harder if you do that again" I slam my hand across Sams butt and she lets out a strangled sob "You took options out of people hands! That is not how we do things!"

"I know and I am sorry!" I smack her ass again and she cries out "Please stop! WATERMELON! WATERMELON!"

"It is ok" I pull her into me as she sobs "You are alright baby girl"

"I-I am sorry mistress" She sniffles and nestle into me more "I wi-will never do it again! Please stop the spankings!"

"I am baby" I look at Alex and Iris "What are you two doing in here?"

"I need your help with a friend" I raise a eyebrow and Iris continues "I have no idea how you add people but she needs help! I can see you can help people get better!"

"I pick from love Iris" I lay the now sleeping Sam down and stand up "How are Caitlyn and Frost doing by the way?"

"Frost is still in a trance" Alex shakes her head and sighs "We are trying to get her out and Caitlyn says she would love to join if able"

"I will get a date ready for her and I assume Frost too" I look at Iris and sigh "Who is the friend of yours?"


-Sara pov-
"Alright so we have talked it all the way through right?" Ava nods and I take a deep breath "We are going to do this?"

"I mean I want to if you do" Ava grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes "Do you?"

"I think so" We both smile nervously "I guess this is what we are going to be turning back right?"

"No turning back" Ava nods and looks serious "Never"

"Alright" We both get up and walk to the living room holding hands "Guys can...can we have your attention please?"

"Of course" Eliza smiles as everyone turns toward us "What is going on loves?"

Ava squeezes my hand before talking "We would like to talk to you all about going out with Kara and joining" Ava takes a deep breath before going on "Would it be ok with all of you if we did?"

"More moms!" Esme is up with a huge smile on her face "I GET TO HAVE MORE MOMS!"

"We would love you all to join" Ruby shares a look with Eliza "But we need to know if you what to be permanent or sometime"

"What is the difference?" They both frown and it clicks "Super or not super"

"Maggie has already gotten her shot" I look over to see Maggie float off the ground some still on all fours "We all got it so we could be alive till the end with Kara"

"Which means you all have gone through many things" We all jump and turn to see a woman wearing Karas symbol "Where is my daughter at?"

We all share a look knowing that this may not end well.

-Time skip-Kara pov-
"So that is how I ended up here" Jesse sighs and spins her straw around her cup slowly "I have nothing but these people and I do not want to be a burden to anyone....I just am no one special"

"You are someone very special" I place my hand on her thigh "You have powers to help people, you have so many friends, and you are you! You are special in your own right Jesse! I can tell that just meeting you"

"Fuck me" I smirk as Alex chuckles "I did not mean that way! I just meant two have made me feel so special! It is nice to feel like this"

"Everyday thing with her" I smile and blush at Alex's words "Even if mistress can be mean"

"Watch it" Alex's eyes go wide and I smirk "Good"

"Not good" my eyes go wide and I turn to see my girlfriends along with my mom "Hello my daughter"

"Oh this is not good" My mom looks super duper pissed off "Let's get back to the house since Lena paid for everything"

I nod in silence as we stand up. I look at Jesse and see her looking nervous. I grab her hand and give her a small smile. She gives one in return and we all head back to our house.

The house we are in is not technically ours. The DEO gave it to us. Cat Grant bought a new mansion and we currently have hers. DEO bought it out and gave it to us.

"Kara I want to know why you have done all of this!" I can see my mom already has a plan in her mind "We have to turn them back to normal people!"

"I love every single one of them! Alpha is nothing new to our kind!" She looks away and it slowly clicks "Oh my are jealous! You wanted to be in something like this but never could!"

"You father and I got matched" Mom turns away from looking at me "We both wished for different things and as you humans would say...I am still a virgin"

"We all have super hearing so I will just ask it here and now" I look at Alex and she goes on "We have my mom so why not yours? Is that going too far? Too wrong for you? Cause if it is then should we rethink somethings?"

"Do not push me" Alex puts her hands up and I look at my mom "She does make a valid point"

"If you can tell me all of their roles then I will let you take me now" My mom smirks "But I know you can not"

"Alex is a sub, Lena is a breeder, Maggie is a pet, Kelly is a breeder, Frost is a breeder, Sam is a breeder, Jesse is a sub" I smirk as hers drops "Eliza is a caregiver, Sara is a sub, Ava is a age regressor, Ruby is a sub, and Caitlyn is a sub! I know my girls! Now drop your garments and someone take Esme to the park like she was supposed to have been already!"

Ruby is soon speeding out with a giggling Esme. My mom is standing there in shock. I look at Ava who looks so speechless. I speed to the equipment box and back out.

I grab three needles and looks at the three new girls. Sara is the first to step forward. I look her in the eyes to be sure she is ready. She gives a nod and I give her  the shot.

Ava follows up next with a thumb in her mouth. I smile at her nervous tick. It gives her the shot and wipe her tears. I look at Jesse who gives a quick nod.

I walk over and give her the shot. I watch them float and the girls help them. My focus goes straight to my mom. She made a deal and my alpha side is roaring to show itself.

"Kara dear" I take a step toward her and she takes one backwards "Kara this is not ok! Stand down!"

"You said I could if I named them off!" I speed after her as she takes off to the backyard "You never break a alphas deal!"

"I have not given consent!" I stop as I tackle her down "You would break laws Kara!"

"I know" I get off her and sigh "Just go mom...I enjoy my life with the girls and you will not ruin it"

"Branding" I raise a confused eyebrow "The alphas of the past have branded their submissives with their family crest"

"I have had ideas but I wanted to get my full list done before doing so" She nods as she stands up "Now...if you excuse me I need to go be with my family"

"Divorce is a thing that can be done to the bonded" I look at mom confused "Save it all till next week...if I come back then you can claim the four of us together"

I give a curt nod and she flies off. I zoom back to my family and let them know it is all ok. I explain it all and we wind down with some movies until dinner. I think about who all is apart of our group and if we really need anyone else.

A certain face pops into my head and getting her could unleash the alpha fully from within. A tamed Alpha Kara would be this worlds nightmare. But it would be oh so fun for me.

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