Chapter 22: Epilogue

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-Kara pov-
"I have no idea" I sigh as I spin in my chair "What time even is it?!"

"Uh it is time for you to head out for dinner" I look up at my wife "We stayed over so you could do the papers"

"I am not being late and singing that stupid song as Rudolph!" I grab my things and stand up "Let's go!"

"Fly or drive?" I raises a eyebrow and she chuckles "I figured just wanted to lighten the mood"

"Mood lightened" I walk over and kiss her "Now how about we get going to dinner!"

She nods and we take off after clocking out. I look back at the building that has my name on it. I can not believe I co-own the news outlet! Cat and Danvers press is amazing!

I pick up speed as we get closer. I can hear the carols getting closer and know they are almost to our house. They have been coming every year for the past few years. It is a mix of alien and human kids that go around.

So of them are mixed of both. It has taken a lot to get that accepted. Sure there are still issues but the president has been a help. Speaking of the president I hope she is the one late.

The past few years I have had to do the stupid punishment. You have to dress as Rudolph and sing run, run, Rudolph. It pains me that I have been that person each time. I would love to shove it in her face!

"MOVE!" I get pushed aside in the air and stop to see her zoom past "SNOOZE YOU LOSE AND HAVE TO DRESS UP!"

"DAMNIT ALEX!" I double my speed to catch up "You are my submissive! Do not forget that!"

"You love watching my ass fly!" I can not disagree with that statement "Silence is a good answer!"

I roll my eyes at their smugness. Being the second Lady has not helped her at all. Kelly is the First Lady. I hope the kids have been minding.

I get my answer as I hear the yelling. I sigh and land as the other two rush in. I get to wear the stupid costume. I groan and make my way inside.


I hold my arms out and take all of the kids in. We have Ava, Amelia, Johnny, Cal, Melvin, Winnthrow, Esme, Patty, Klyde, Timm, Jimmy, Pi, and Emmy-Lou. We also have a few pregnant mouths to feed tonight. Kelly and Sara look ready to pop any day.

Everyone is still in their roles from when we began this life. It has been nice to have everyone at peace with it. Sure we have had our struggles but so do all loving families. I love this family and would never trade anything we have done.

"Momma needs to go get changed" I glare at Lena as she gives me a big kiss "You married me love"

"Yes I know" I dramatically thunk my head "I must have had a lapse in judgment!"

The kids laugh and I smile. We all ended up marrying someone. It was to ensure everyone had someone. A few near death experiences made us realize pairs are nice.

-I married Lena
-Kelly is married to Alex
-Frost married Siobhan
-Sam married Caitlyn
-Alura married Eliza
-Cat married Andrea
-Ruby married Maggie
-Ava and Sam also got remarried as well

It is a big family but it is our family. We all have talked with the kids but it is fine. They all enjoy having all of the attention. They also love the powers they have too.

I head upstairs and grab the costume. I put it on and look at myself in the mirror. Yeah I hate this but I love it too. The kids get a kick out of it and so do my wives.

I smile as I head back downstairs. I grab the music and walk to the machine. I pop it in as everyone gets a seat. I take a deep breath and turn toward my smiling audience.

-Kara singing-

Out of all the reindeer you know you're the mastermind
Run, run Rudolph, Randalph's not too far behind
Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town
Randalph he can hurry, he can take the freeway down
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a merry-go-round

Said Santa to a boy child "What have you been longing for?"
"All I want for Christmas is a Rock and Roll electric guitar"
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a shooting star

Run, run Rudolph, Santa's got to make it to town
Can't you make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a merry-go-round

Said Santa to a girl child "What would you like most to get?"
"I want a baby doll that can cry, scream and wet"
And away went Rudolph a whizzing like a Saber jet

Run, run Rudolph, run, run Rudolph, a running like a son-of-a-gun.
Run, run Rudolph, run, run Rudolph, a running like a son-of-a-gun.
Run, run...

"Now we can eat!" I speed change and nod toward the kitchen "Let us dig in! I am STARVING! Can you believe Ma Lena would not feed me!"

"Do not feed the kids lies!" I chuckle as she pouts and looks at the kids "I gave her a healthy salad with kale!"


"You all are Karas kids" we all chuckle as we go through the line to get our plates "Johnny help not stack your plate!"

"You think they are minding that?" Kelly chuckles as she shakes her head "Let us just focus on trying to get food for ourselves and being able to actually eat!"

"Messes will happen" Sure enough a plate snaps and there is a splat "Moms in action now!"

-Time skip-
"Good night loves" I turn off the light and walk out "Last one's are in bed"

"Then join us!" I go downstairs and see the movie marathon ready to go "We can be Santa in an hour"

"Santa is real!" Ava pouts beside Andrea "I have seen the presents!"

"Exactly what I have been saying!" Andrea shakes her head "These people"

"Are you two supposed to be up?" Their eyes go wide and I narrow mine "Movies then bed got it! We want your innocence to stay not fade away and your little sides to grow up too!"

I look as the couples all get together to cuddle. My wives are all happy. My whole family is happier than I could have ever hoped for. We are at peace and my life is going amazingly.

All of this started by a mix up. It was the best mix up ever. I now have so much happiness in my life from it. I can not think of anything I would rather have than what I have right now.

"You ok Kara?" I look to see all eyes on me "You have to push play and you seem in your head"

"I am perfectly fine" I smile and push play for the movie to begin "Everything is just perfect"

Tis the end. Thank you for sticking with the story. There were some tough times but I finally ended it. It was never going to be super long.

I hope you all enjoyed this trial run of branching out. I wanted to spice things up and I enjoyed this one over my other attempt. Next story, Supergirl x Glee, is going to come out next week!

Love you all and hope you stick around for the next Supergirl story!

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