Chapter 14

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-Kara pov-
"Kara get in here" I sorely walk into the office and look at my boss "I see you have had a fun night?"

"Yes I have Andrea" She raises a eyebrow at me "I am back because of Cat"

"Yes you are" Cat comes in with a big box "Which is why Andrea is moving offices!"


"M-miss Grant please!" Andrea is up to her feet "I-I have been doing good!"

"I know but I need Kara here" Andrea looks so broken right now "I expect everything moved out in a hour! Kara welcome back to catco in a managerial role!"

"Oh Andrea" I watch Cat leave and walk over to her "You ok?"

"I will be perfectly fine" Andrea starts moving her stuff around "I am just getting moved...I will be a good girl elsewhere"

"Andrea I want you to stay here" She does not respond as she keeps moving things "Andrea please just stop so we can talk!"

"I sold my stuff Kara! I sold it and Cat has it back!" She turns toward me with tears falling "You can not just be supergirl and think you can fix it all! I got a man killed! I have had time to get my shit moved! Cat has let me stay here! I can not do this anymore and maybe....maybe I just am no good"

"Never say that again!" I walk over and make her look me in the eyes "You are better than that! You are an amazing woman when you want to be! Never say you are no good again you here me?"

"K-Kara what is happening?" I can feel the alpha moving to the front "Kara?"

"I have so many claimed submissives already" I run a finger down her jawline and she shivers under my touch "Do I turn you on Miss Rojas?"

Her eyes go open wide "N-no!" I narrow my eyes at her lying "I am serious!"

"I do not do lying little girl!" She gulps and I smirk "You want to be my good girl?"

"I...I want to be a good girl" She sniffles and I wipe her tears "I am scared"

"You never were disciplined well huh?" She shakes her head and I move us to the chair "I will sit and you go across my lap! I assume I have consent to do what I want?"

Her nod is all I need to have to proceed. I quickly pull her over my lap as I sit down. I pull her skirt up and panties down. Naughty girl decided lace was appropriate to wear.

I make sure she does not want out before I bring my hand down. She cries out as I spank her again. Her thumb is in her mouth and tears are pouring down. I stop after a few more and pull her close to me.

"You took that like such a good girl" I sniffles as I comfort her "You are such a good girl!"

"I good girl" I nod and she sniffles again "I be good girl"

"You have been the best girl!" She smiles as I look up at the doorway "Someone else has been a bad one"

"I must say this was not what I expected to see on my cameras" I lock my jaw as Cat steps in and locks the door behind her "Now how are we going to play this?"

"I have a loving family and I will get her brought along just right into them" I stand with Andrea in my arms "Question is if you will be good or still be bad"

"Question is if you will make me be good or bad" I raise a eyebrow and Cat sighs "Have I not made my attraction obvious enough?!"

"She is oblivious" I look at a smirking Kelly coming in from the balcony "You can not just go one day without adding people huh?"

"Bite me" She smirks and I roll my eyes "Of course the snarky one is the one who comes"

"I resent that fact!" I chuckle and she huffs "Cat would you like to join our ranks? Or will you just keep silent?"

"I need a sugar mama and control sometimes" I raise a eyebrow and she goes on "I do not want to completely control this and I think you could! You would have complete control over the company just I would have say so in things"

"I want Andrea on employment" Cat nods and awaits what else I have to say "I want Nia on a pay raise, I want Alex as the head of security, and Kelly working here! She can be an amazing at helping people mentally and emotionally when they need it here at work!"

"I can make it happen" Cat slowly walks over to me "What would my role be?"

"You pick what you are" Even though I know what she is sending off to me "What do you think?"

"I am scared of what I think" I nod and give Andrea to Kelly "What do you think?

"I think take her home so she can see what Ava does ok? And Andrea you are family! Everyone will treat you just fine!" I turn toward Cat and smile "It can be scary but I want you to make your choice ok?"

After a moment she responds "I want to follow my name maybe" I nod and she sighs "That sound stupid huh?"

"Maggie!" Soon Maggie is flying in and on all fours "Dog ear headband, Tail plug, and spots painted on where she wants them if she wants them! We can do the same for you no hassle!"

"Really?" I nod and she seems to release all tension "I really need to finally let everything go"

"Then let me help you" She nods and I hold me arms out open "Come on into my embrace love"

She is in tears as I hold onto her. I can feel all of her stresses leaving her slowly. She has held onto every defenses for so long. The alpha part of me is even worried about how to go forward.

After a while she seems to have cried herself asleep. I send a call to her assistant that she is going home. I fly her out and we leave with Maggie. Once home I smile at the new laughter in the house.

It has a childlike wonder to it. I find Andrea and Ava playing with the little toys. Beth looks so happy to help them with puzzles. Andrea got into her role very nicely.

I lay Cat down and cuddle up with my girls. Today has been long and nice. I can only hope it continues to be nice. But I know in this world that is something that never lasts forever.

Something is going to come and ruin it. I do not want to see what brings us to the dark side once again.

Alpha Red {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora