Everyone must have regretted once in their life.

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Yeji pov

After eating the rain had stopped. So we went back home. On the way back Taehyung was silent. He suddenly looked sad. I didn't ask why he still feels depressed even after my words. May be it doesn't make sense to him. But I wanna ask him whether he enjoyed eating with me. I really enjoyed being with him. It was very comfortable with him more than being with jungkook. Jungkook makes my mind running wild trying to get to know what he's doing with me. Taehyung was a gentleman. Who must have broken his heart? I wish I could make him happy. Why he's so sad!

Kim Taehyung POV.

I hope yeji enjoyed coming with me. I don't know why that whenever I'm with her I totally forgot my all problems . Seeing her makes me refresh. Her words really touches me. Not even my friends had consoled me this way. I need to move on.

Taehyung and yeji reached home. But there's someone who was worried about yeji not being at home in this rainy Sunday. Jeon Jungkook. He saw taehyung and yeji coming together. She went to her room after greeting Taehyung. Jungkook noticed taehyung smiling to her. A change could see in tae's face.

"Where were you hyung?" Jk asked.

"Huh? Just outside. Have you eaten?" Tae asked.

"Yeaah! What about you?".

"I ate with yeji." Tae replied.

"Since when you and yeji are so intimated??" Jungkook was curious.

"What do you mean? I Just happened to eat lunch with her?"

" I saw you smiling with her"

"So..so what! Am I not allowed to smile!" Taehyung was pissed.

"It's nothing hyung. I haven't seen you smile after so long." Jungkook smiled a false one.

"Move away. " Taehyung pushed jk and went to his room. But jungkook followed him and teased.

Next day

As usual jungkook was ready to drop yeji to her office. Like recently she didn't showed up. This time he was angry. So he decided to do his own work. He went out with his bike. But yeji was sick in her bed. She was hoping for someone to come for help her. She haven't eaten anything that day. Her lips got dried due to dehydration. High fever was making her miserable. At that evening jungkook arrived home. He didn't went to picked her up at evening also. He was making sure that yeji would come for him to help her. But she didn't contacted him . So when he reached home he asked j hope whether did he seen yeji that day.

"No I haven't. I think she didn't went to work. Must have taken some leave then!"

But still jungkook feel suspicious by not seeing her downstairs. What must be she doing there all alone. He thought . Atlast he gave up and decided to go her room. He knocked the door. After so long yeji somehow opened the door. Jungkook realised that she's sick as he saw her face.

"Yeji. Are you alright?!". He hold her hands.

Yeji didn't want jungkook to taken care for her. He's a mere playboy for her. So she tried her best to look good.

"Yeaah... I'm perfectly fine. Little fever. I've took medicine. "

"You sure!?" Jungkook was concerned.

"Yeah." Yeji replied. But she was using all her Powers to look straight. She was feeling dizzy.

"You can go jungkook.. let me sleep a little" she said.

"k.. take care".

Jungkook was still concerned for her. But she talked alright. So he decided to leave. But he hears a thudd sound while he was going down. He ran and open the door and saw yeji on the floor. He was worried and hold her in his arms and took her to the bed and leaned her. He felt her temperature. It was High.

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