secret revealed

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Yeji Pov

I get off from the car and walked towards them and hold mom's hand. I was very happy to see my mom

"Hey mom.. what a surprise...what are you doing here with Dad's secretary?"

"What happened to your phone. How many had we called you?" Asked mom

"Ah yes..I forgot to call you...I lost my phone so I bought new one...
What's the matter mom..did somethingthing happened?"

" I was so worried  when you didn't pick up my phone calls. So we came here. I got the adress of here when I call your office." Said mom

"Sorry mom....I actually..."

Dad's secretary interrupted.

"Look we don't have much time. We need to go now. Please get in the car ma'am."

"Wait. What happened tell me...where are we going." I was confused and I looked both of them .

"I'll explain on our way dear. Please get in the car first" said my mom.

Dad's secretary and mom got in the car. And I saw jungkook looking at me in confused. I went near him and said.

"Something urgent came up jungkook. I'll be back... that's my mom"

"Oh really.. that's my mother in law" he giggled and peeped at mom.

"Jungkook stop. " I chuckled.

"Hey." He grabbed my face with his both hands and get closer to me. And he continued

"Is it something wrong . Is everything okay. Cos that man, your mom's driver or something!?"

"My dad's secretary".

"Ha yeah. He looked weird. Nothing wrong right?"

"I hope so. Then bye. See you "

"Call me when you reach back at home . okay" said jk

"Yeah sure" i said And get in the car.

"Who's that " asked mom.

"Huh!? Hmm yeaah.. he's my friend. Can we go what you guys are upto?" I sighed.

I looked  at jungkook and smiled while our car moved. He's so damn handsome.

After few minutes in the car.

"So anybody gonna tell me where we are going."

"Actually yeji. Don't be shocked. Okay . We are going to talk to your dad's best friend.'" said secretary.

"Huh... what's the big deal about it. Why should  I get shocked."

"And we are  going to talk about your marriage with his son."

I couldn't believe it.

"What!!! My marriage. And you're mentioning about it now?"

" Before your dad died he already planned your marriage with his best friend's son. They are so serious about you. Your dad friend want to keep the promise he made with your dad. " Said mom

"What mom..what are you talking about." I was shocked.

"Here we reached." Said secretary.

We got off and it was a big mansion. I was astonished. We were walking towards inside the home. I read the board of that house. ZARA MANSION. I cannot think anymore. It was all blur to me afterwards. I was just walking with them. And we reached there. And a lot of people were there waiting for me. And I saw mr Han Goel in a wheelchair. The owner of zara furniture. Dad of soo ah......

"Oh come dear ....I was eagerly waiting for you. So I finally get see my future daughter in law. " Said Mr Han Gyoel. He looked so pleasant.

"Umm... nice to meet you sir." I cannot think anything else to say.

"Oh you don't need to call me sir dear . I'm your dad's best friend. He was my one and only closest friend. He had only one wish before he die. It was his death wish. He don't want you to be alone . So he asked me to Marry my son to you. And so am l very glad to give my son to you. Isn't it soo ah . You do love your sister in law right?"

I saw soo ah when Mr Han Gyoel pointed out  to her. She was like cheering for me there. I was still confused.

"Yes father. I'm glad. I like her" soo ah winked to me


"Father , why are they...."

Here comes Taehyung. He was coming from upstairs with phone in his hands and was about to ask his father why the girl he's going to marry taking so long to reach there .

He saw yeji near his dad. He stopped there. He was surprised as hell. They both looked each other. He then walked towards them only looking at her.


" knew her? "Asked tae's dad Mr Han Gyoel.

Soo ah interrupted.

"Yes dad. They knew eachother. Because she's staying upstairs of his BTS house. But the funny thing is that they didn't knew that they were meant to be married. "

"Hahaha" laughed mr Han Gyoel. Hence everyone laughed with him. Yeji and taehyung was looking at each other so shockingly. Yeji was about to cry. But she tried to hold it up .

"Father I need to talk to soo ah for a sec."

He grabbed soo ah's hand and took her to other room.

"What's going on here sooah."

"Actually, I knew from the start itself that soo ah is the girl that you are going to marry."

"Then why didn't you tell me before!!" Tae yelled.

"Umm.. because.. I know that you wasn't still over from jennei, and also you're not ready to get marry a unknown girl. So I decided to bring yeji to BTS home so that you both could fall for eachother like you guys are now."

"What! What are you talking about soo ah! "

"You love yeji right? So as yeji , isn't it?"

"Do you have any idea what have you done ! screwed everything up soo ah... everything".

"What happened taehyung ? Tell me..what did I do?"

Taehyung was mad. He was walking around without knowing what to do.

"Taehyung" soo ah yelled.

"Yeji loves jungkook!" Screamed taehyung.

Soo ah was shocked and her eyes filled with tears.

"No way"
"I had made sure that you guys fall for eachother. Min Jeong also made sure it before she go. I thought Our plan was successful"

"No we didn't soo ah. We didn't work out. If you or min Jeong have mentioned anything to me or yeji, this wouldn't have happened. Yeji did confessed me soo ah. She did loved me." Tae sobbed.

"Then what happened tae" soo ah was curious .

"I told her to stay away from me . I told her that I'm marrying someone. When she came to know about that she left me soo ah...she left me...I did loved her. I still do...I still need her in my life even though she loves jungkook now."


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