exchanging gifts or heart?

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Yeji took the call. It was soo ah , taehyung's sister. She look at taehyung before attending it

"Hello sooah!"

"Hey yeji. How you doing"

"Fine.. what you doing?"

"Just hanging out with jimin. And I thought of Calling you. I heard you guys are in jungkook's home."

"Yeaah..we are in jungkook's home. It's really nice here . And also sad thinking about min Jeong."

"Oh don't worry about my girl. She will be alright. She's such a strong girl. By the way where is my brother taehyung."

She looked taehyung and answered.

"Humm...he's with me. Should I need to hand the phone over him."

"No... you guys talk. Bye then."

Sooah hung up the phone.

"Was it sooah?" Asked taehyung.

"Yeaah..it's her" replied yeji

"What did she said. What she doing?"

"She's hanging out with jimin."

"Oooh...with him!!" Said and taehyung looked down.

Yeji was still curious about grudges between him and jimin.

"Tae can I ask you something?"

"It's about jimin right?" Said taehyung and looked yeji.

"Yeaah... what actually had happened between you guys. As long as I know he's not a dangerous guy. Then why!?"

"Jimin...he is also a dancer. He's from another band.' Ego blind'. That band was our rival. We had competitions. And all the time BTS had won. Jimin always had a grudge between me as he also loved Jennie. He tried his best to impress her. But she was already mine. And one day after a competetion that we won ,jimin slapped Jennie with out of anger to me and I stopped him and we had a extreme fight. The thing is soo ah still don't know that jimin had a crush on Jennie. All she knew that we had a conflict while we were dancers. And i don't know what to do with her. I'm in no place to advise her. Or else I would have stopped jimin from seeing her. I don't know whether he changed or not. I hope everything will be fine." He ran through his hair and stand up from there moved closer to balcony .

Yeji heard the story. She find justice in his side.she felt sad for him. She went near him and touched his shoulder.

"It will be alright. It was things happened in past. You still have the authority to behave as a brother to soo ah. Don't stop yourself since you unknowingly did something wrong. You deserve more . Don't be sad."

He looked at yeji's eye and smiled.He felt something by looking at her . Yeji was too feeling something . She understood that it was her love for him. She still loves him somewhere inside her heart

"Thank you yeji for always cheering me up. "

"Your welcome " yeji smiled. And they both went to their room

Yeji pov

After bath I was drying my hair using a cloth. I sat on my bed and thought about taehyung. Why do I have still feelings for him. It's useless yeji ! I need to stop have feelins for him . I feel like I'm betraying jungkook even though I'm not dating him.il I shouldn't have come to this seoul city. I shouldn't have met taehyung. Fu*k lifeee!!! I was so disturbed. Then suddenly someone knocked the door. I opened it and it was jungkook's mother.

"Hey yeji. You feeling comfortable?.

"Yeahh... It's such a cosy bedroom. I loved here"

"It's all I needed to hear. Well then. Good night!"

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