Chapter 1

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The early October morning was crisp with the wind blowing the new Autumn leaves across their dewy lawn. The grass still shimmered with cold rain drops from last night's rainfall, a stray cat walked along the tall fence, looking for food, the tire swing finally collapsed and laid in the ground with the broken rope swinging above it. The sun hides behind the gray clouds, wanting to shine its rays upon the cold Earth.

Gilbert rolled over to his side, still sound asleep. His long silver eyelashes fluttered against his pale skin and his pink lips were slightly opened, snoring quietly. The two blankets wrapped around him like a burrito to prevent from the cold air but making it hard for him to move briskly around. 

The six-year-old tiptoed through the halls, creaking slightly, making him worried that his big brother would wake up and ruin the plan. He snickered to himself and shushed the three dogs that followed him through the hall.

Ludwig stood in front of his brother's door, petting his dogs to settle them down. His hand came in contact with the doorknob, he slowly turned, bracing himself.

It was 8'oclock so he wasn't worried that his big brother would be up, but that the dogs would bark and wake him up too early.

He successfully opened the door without a single problem. He gave him and the dogs a silent thumbs up. He skipped closer to the bed with his hand against his hand, muting his giggles.

"Bruder!" Ludwig yelled as he leaped on the sleeping man followed by the three dogs. They barked in excitement as they covered Gilbert's face with their tongues. 

Gilbert yelped in surprise as he jumped from the bed but alas the blankets trapped him in a cocoon. He wiggled and squirmed until all the dogs settled down and he could see his little brother on his knees in front of him, giggling loudly. 

Gilbert gave a lazy smile to the boy and struggled to remove his hand from the blankets and ruffled his soft blonde hair, getting a huge smile from him. 

"Wait," He stopped in confusion,"Is it Christmas already?" He questioned. Ludwig's face turned into a frowned and then an upset face.

"It's my birthday!"Ludwig huffed, crossing his arms and not looking at him.

"Oh!" Gilbert tried to act like he actually forgot his brother's birthday but in all reality, he would never and he just like to prank the little guy.

He proceeded to mess with him, "I thought it was next week, well, no presents for you today." Gilbert struggled to stay nonchalant, he wanted to burst out in laughter. He watched the boy's face change from anger to sadness and he felt regret rolling in. He deserves it for waking him up this early in the morning and having the dogs cover his handsome face in saliva.  

He knew about Ludwig's plan this whole time(Feliciano isn't good at secrets), but he didn't dare ruin it. He understood that the little boy wanted to scare him to death. Gilbert remised him doing that to his parents on early Christmas morning. Of course, it was more thought out and had his own team helping him that weren't dogs. 

His friends would always sleep over the night before Christmas Eve (They opened present on Christmas Eve because his father had work on Christmas) and they'll sleep on the couch in the living room where the tree's lights illuminated their sleeping faces. Antonio, a childhood friend of Gilbert's, was a light sleeper and could always tell if someone was walking around in the room, so his eyes would snap open when his parents brought the presents. After they were all woken by Antonio when the presents arrived, they would hide all of them, so his parents would have to buy him new ones, but he'll still get the old ones.

"Gil!" The yelling Ludwig snapped him away from his thoughts, "You didn't buy any presents?" Tears rimmed his blue eyes as he tugged on his shirt. Gilbert shifted out of the bed followed by the boy.

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