Chapter 5

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The further they got to the hospital, the paler Ludwig's skin got and the more Gilbert shook. Ludwig's ghostly fingers tightened around Gilbert's hand once the subway went to abrupt stop. He stood close to his older brother as more people gathered on the bus, pushing him between his brother's legs and forcing his brother's hand off the pole. Gilbert struggled to balance once the subway started up and it zipped down the underground tunnel. 

Noticing the strong grip on his hand, he comforted him, "Ludwig, don't worry, MRIs are not painful and aren't scary." He rubbed his thumb along Ludwig's soft skin and Ludwig gripped his pants. 

Ludwig snuggled his head in his leg, hiding his face,"How do you know?"

"I don't know," He confessed, earning a groan from Ludwig, "But, I've seen it and it isn't scary or anything. You go into a large tube and an x-ray scans you. There will be sounds like knocking or buzzing and you must stay still, but don't worry they'll be breaks and I'll be nearby." 

"Why do I have to do this?" 

"Just in case there is something bad inside your brain, like," He thought of a childish term for it, "A dangerous bump in your brain or something." 

"What if I did have something wrong?" Ludwig finally looked up at him with his bright blue eyes. 

Gilbert swallowed deeply and thought for moments. What would happen? He asked himself. He never envisioned having his little brother having a Mri so young and possibly having something wrong with him. 

His thought were cut short when the subway stopped and a voice was heard over the intercom, telling them that they are at the stop. They made their way through the crowd and stumbled out of the train. Fortunately for Gilbert, Ludwig didn't address the question again, for his answer was nowhere to be found.   

They walked out of the subway station with Ludwig stopping ever so often begging for food at the food court and drinking out of the water fountain for minutes to stale. Gilbert promised him ice cream and even a stop at Central Park once the MRI is finished.  

Ludwig began walking slowly once they approached the hospital. He sweated more as the corner building with blue windows got bigger and bigger until he was right under it. The building towered over him and both his hands atomically grasped Gilbert's leg for support. 

"West," He used the nickname that was short for Ludwig's middle name, "Don't worry, this hospital is so cool. It has fishies hanging from the ceiling; isn't that cool?" Gilbert beamed. 

"No," Ludwig looked away from the intimidating building, "That's animal abuse." Gilbert chuckled at him and stumbled in the hospital lobby with him gripping his leg. 

He gasped at the lobby; plastic fish hung from the ceiling, bright colors looked like they exploded all over the place, fake plants from the ocean grew from the grounds with excited children stroking them, and all the nurses that roamed the place had big smiles on their faces. He's been to hospitals a lot, but none looked this interesting or cool. Most of the time, it was plain white with boring nurses and doctors.            

Gilbert walked up to the blue fluorescent front desk and spoke to the man about their appointment. He told them to go to the 2nd floor and wait in the waiting room until the doctor was ready for them. 

Gilbert obeyed and made his way to the elevator, but Ludwig was hesitant, clinging to him even tighter if it was possible. They gathered on the elevator along with some other people. Gilbert grimaced at the little girl that had no hair and was attached to an IV, dark bags hung under her eyes and she seemed to be exhausted. 

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