Chapter 3

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 The room had a breeze coming in from the opened window and it filled the room with a fresh breath of Autumn. Despite the chilly wind, Ludwig's forehead was moist with sweat and he could feel his bare legs sticking together with sweat. Everything still didn't connect to Ludwig, it all happened so quickly that he couldn't comprehend. All he remembered was shuffling into the living room, hoping to see Gilbert there so he could cuddle up to him, but instead he saw Francis still there watching TV while speaking to someone in the phone in French. 

   Before he could retreat and run back to his room, Francis saw him in the corner of his eye and happily invited him to eat some cheese and crackers with him. So, like the polite young boy he was, he shuffled over to the couch and watched the odd soap opera along with Francis. About half an episode later when Kate was about to confess that's she had an affair, Ludwig felt himself grow dizzy and his arms and legs tingling. Drool dripped from his mouth and all he saw was Francis' panicked face, mouth moving up and down, but everything was mute to Ludwig.     

   When he finally was able to hear, sirens filled the night, blaring loudly next to Ludwig, ringing his ears. He was in a stretcher, strapped in tightly, enabling his movements. In his mind, he wanted to scream out for help, struggle out of the contraction, and demand answers, yet he stayed frozen with his head leaning towards the side, unable to move an inch and his chin with still wet drool inching down it. He felt a sigh of relief when he saw a glimpse of Francis' blond locks, similar to that of a girl's, among the red lights and the quick movements of the stretcher. 

The next time his eyes opened, it was to a simple quite hospital where he was hooked to an IV.  The sirens were gone, he wasn't numb anymore, his head moved side to side, and his face was clean of drool and tears that he didn't realize he shed. 

Ludwig looked over to see a puffball of silver hair that belong to his older brother. It was smashed into his arms, he assumed he was resting after a busy night. Ludwig turned to look out the window to see the sun rising after hours of darkness. Even though it was early in the morning, he could hear kids playing in the playground that laid next to the room he stayed in. He wished to join them, but he knew his legs wouldn't be able to carry him for more than five minutes, for they were sore and weak. 

"Vati," Ludwig mumbled his nickname for him. Being fatherless his whole life, he always thought of Gilbert as a father figure. He called him Vati for most of his childhood until Gilbert had to sit down with him to tell him that he wasn't his real father. After that he felt uncomfortable with calling his older brother his father, feeling that his real father wouldn't be happy. 

Gilbert groaned and turned over as he snored. Ludwig's hand softly smacked his arm, wishing he'll hug him and tell him what's happening. He would have done it harder, but even a slight alteration in his arm left it tired. 

"Lud-" He glanced up and gasped," Ludwig!" His eyes already brimmed in tears and dried tears stuck to his cheeks from the night before. "Are you feeling alright?" He slowly approached him with his arms  ready for him to be in. He quickly took the offer, imminently hugging him. 

"Gilbert," He inhaled fully, "What happened? Why am I here?" His voice was melodious like a mouse and his face was still pale with anxiety.  

"Ludwig, have you've heard of a seizure?" Gilbert backed away from him to look him in the face. Ludwig shook his head. 

"Well..." He thought for seconds, " For a couple of minutes, your brain wasn't able to control your movements and you fall over and started to shake. You're fine now, but you'll need to rest for a few days." He rubbed his back.  The thought of his little brother having problems left him terrified and worried. 

Maybe these seizures are a symptom of something bad?  Also, the headaches? And the vomiting? Gilbert thought Please, be alright. 

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