Chapter 7

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"Good morning Ludwig," Gilbert muttered at the now awake child. He made sure that the tears, that were running down his cheek not long ago, weren't noticeable to the young child. He still felt the wetness around his eyes. He wiped them continuously after he noticed Ludwig waking up.   

The blue eyes blinked several times before he spoke. "Am I okay?" He smiled at him, thinking of what order of ice cream he'll have. His stomach felt empty because he couldn't eat before the MRI. Ludwig felt on the verge of nausea.    

Gilbert glanced up at him and then back down at the bed. For some reason, his bright blue eyes made it hard for him to confess. He couldn't believe his little brother in front of him had a mysterious tumor in his brain. He knew that the smile on his face wouldn't last forever. 

"Ludwig," He gulped and wished for somebody to help him, "Do you know what a tumor is?" The cold sweat already filled his forehead, his heart beated in his ears, and his leg wouldn't stop shaking. Yet, he tried to keep calm for Ludwig's sake.  

"Nope," He shook his head.  

"Well, it's a" Gilbert breathed in hard. He nearly sighed in relief when he heard the door open. Gilbert whipped his head around to see Dr.Kirkland standing there, holding a book close to him. 

Dr.Kirkland asked him,"Need any help?" Without an answer, he stepped closer to Ludwig, flipping through pictures in the book.  

"Ludwig, do you know what a brain tumor is?" The doctor asked in a soothing voice. Gilbert never heard it, all he heard was the aggravated voice complaining about other doctors.    

Ludwig glanced his eyes at Gilbert and Gilbert nodded at him, giving him permission to answer him. "Gil was about to tell me." He told him, scooting away from the man. 

"Your brother and I were both going to tell you. Is that alright?" 

"I guess." He mumbled and slouched down. 

"Okay, going on, a tumor is a swelling of a part of your body like a bump. During the MRI, we found a tumor in your brain." Dr.Kirkland showed him the book, pointing to the rear end portion of the brain. "Around here-" 

Ludwig felt the back of his head, searching for any bump, "I can't feel it." 

He let out a low chuckle, "It's inside the brain, you can't feel it, but it's the thing that's been making you have headaches. So, to stop all of your headaches we'll have to remove it by surgery." 

Ludwig's eyes went from normal to as big as saucers in just one second. "Like with knives and blood?!" He looked at Gilbert for support, but Gilbert lacked it, for he didn't make eye-contact with him. Gilbert didn't want to break down after seeing Ludwig's tears.  

"Ludwig, you'll be alright. After it, you wouldn't have as many headaches." He smiled at him, but it didn't stop the tears that almost pooled from his eyes. 

"Any questions, Ludwig?" 

"Do I have to do it? I can live with the headaches." He stuttered. Between every word, he breathed in deeply.    

"Ludwig, you'll be alright. You're in good hands with us." 

"Is it going to hurt?" 

"A bit after the surgery, but you'll get better, I swear." There was a pause with Ludwig breaking down into heavy tears. "Any more questions?" The doctor questioned again, handing him tissues. 

Ludwig couldn't see the tissues through his tears. He shook his head quickly and covered his red face with the blanket. "N-no, I don't," He breathed in deeply, trying to find air but he couldn't.  

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