Chapter 13

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Warning, kinda- If you don't like needles that you should probably skip the beginning.  

Halloween day was chilly, but not nearly as bad as the days before. The trees still don their vibrant hues as they haven't shed their gold and scarlet leaves; puddles were encountered every corner, for rain fell upon the earth the night before; the dirt was a mushy dark color and it filled shoes with water with every step. A grey damp mist surrounded the air and it fogged up every window and people's glasses once they stepped outside. 

The grass in the playground under Ludwig's window was dry and light beige and it crunched under children's shoes who ran across the playground. 

Ludwig watched from a distance, sitting in the window, watching the kids, dressed in costumes, glide on the slide and swayed in the swings. He's just been able to walk to the window ledge without any help from Gilbert or the pestering nurses and he's quite proud of it. Weeks of bedrest and being independent on others, he loved to walk all alone to show that he was strong to Gilbert. 

His head still ached, his legs still were weak and couldn't hold up his body weight for so long, he couldn't go through a day without four naps, and he couldn't stay up to watch one of his favorite shows. He'd fall asleep during the first commercial. It was hard for him to pay attention to Gilbert's mindless chatter that confused him more than anything.       

Unfortunately, Ludwig's first chemotherapy session fell on Halloween, the day his friends were coming over. He tried to beg his brother to tell the doctors to do it the next day, but he failed to persuade his brother to do that.    

Feliciano and Kiku were going to come over after the chemotherapy was done and hopefully bring candy with them. The doctors warned Ludwig that he'll be nauseous afterward, but he hoped to eat them once his stomach was better. 

Gilbert came up behind him and wrapped him in a new fluffy Halloween blanket that Elizabeta stitched together for him. He kept his arms around him in a hug, resting his chin lightly on Ludwig's head, making sure to avoid the scar. 

"Ready for Chemo?" Gilbert asked, wrapping him extra tight like a burrito.

"No," Ludwig replied fast, looking up at Gilbert, his chin sliding off his head. 

Gilbert remained staring outside, "It wouldn't be that bad. Just think after it, your friends will be over after it." 

"But, I don't want to do it. I don't like needles!" 

"I know, I know, but you're so strong, you've been through all of this. Needles should be nothing to you." 

Ludwig didn't speak. 

"Now," Gilbert shifted and stood up, leaving Ludwig's back cold and free. "Let's go!" 

They just spend hours getting Ludwig's blood drawn and it wasn't pleasant for him. He only got  a couple of minutes of silence and Gilbert finally peed after hours of holding it. He just wished that he could relax more until more needles are shoved in his veins.  

Gilbert wrapped his hand under Ludwig's armpit and lifted him into the wheelchair. He was much lighter than the last time he was held. 

Gilbert wheeled him to a special room that Ludwig has never seen. The nurse cheerfully greeted him and talked him through it all- they used words that he didn't understand, so he was dependent on Gilbert's translation.   

He sat in a stiff plastic chair that had holes in it with fluff spilling out. They brought the medication in and Ludwig clutched Gilbert's shirt, watching the medicine being wheeled in. 

He squeezed his eyes shut when they pulled out the needle. It looked like it sparkled in the light as though it mocked Ludwig. It was sharp and pointy like it was a knife ready to stab Ludwig. 

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