Chapter 2

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I just got back from New York and I thought the city was amazing and gorgeous, so this story will be in New York because I'm so fascinated with it. I also made them have jobs that I've seen in New York:

Elizabeta- Broadway Show actress- I think she'll have a beautiful voice and I've seen a Broadway Show and I fell in love.

Roderich- Conductor for Broadway Sympathy

Gilbert- Spray Paint Artist- I saw a man on the streets spraypainting a beautiful picture(I bought it in one second) and I thought it would be a cool job for Gil.

Antonio- Nanny for Feliciano and Lovino

Francis- Fashion Designer

Please tell me if you think the jobs don't fit them or anything else.


The bright lights illuminated the night, the fragrance of spray paint filled Gilbert nostrils as he shook the can, tourists circled around his table with faces of confusion for they didn't know what he was painting. So far he only had rainbow lines on the sheet with a small bowl covering an orange and red strip.

Gilbert loved to keep them in the dark with no clue what he was planning on doing. He loved to hear them gasped and figure out what he was doing in the middle of his work.

In the right corner, he sprayed colorful polka dots and them covered it with a large bowl. After seconds of watching their faces, he filled every corner with black, making his audience wonder.


He held up his finished masterpiece of New York City and grinned at the people who dugged through their pockets for money. Gilbert only worked every other night from seven to midnight and he often got 200 dollars a day. Even more when students came from different states and all 40 of them surrounded him and nearly everyone bought one. 

Despite his brother being terribly sick, he had to find the money to pay the bills to their brick house that had graffiti sprayed all around it, garbage in the alleyway by their home, stairs that nearly concaved, and was the only place that Gilbert could buy at the time.  

   He gathered money from the dozen people who excitedly pointed to which picture they wanted. He passed around the pictures and began counting his money.

"How much did you make this time?" Gilbert looked up at Roderich who just walked out of the Broadway along with an actress.

"About 200$" He smirked and fanned himself with the money, "I told you this job isn't all the bad." He snickered.    

   Elizabeta, the actress who was dress in a fancy coat with her long brown hair up in a bun, still with her makeup on, spoke, "Well, it isn't a professional job also you should stay with your brother through the night. That's why we're telling you to stop."

"Ludwig's fine, Francis watches him until I get back, he works on his fashion designers there." He shoved the money deep in his pocket, you can never trust New Yorkers was something Gilbert learned a bit too late, "Also, I love this job," Gilbert grabbed the cans, shoved them in a bag, and swung the bag around his shoulders.

"Don't you get sick of the smell?" Roderich asked, walking next to Gilbert to the subway.

He rolled his eyes as he got his subway card ready," Not really, I wear a mask so I don't get high,"

Roderich shrugged his shoulder for no reason," Where are you going?"

"Subway," Apparently the word was illegal to them for they gasped and looked offended.  

   Roderich pressed his hand up to his chest like he struggled to breath," Don't you know how dangerous the subway is?"

Gilbert laughed at his reaction," Yeah, but I never had a problem,"

"You may be robbed tonight," Elizabeta joined in on the hate towards subways.

"I'll be fine, I can fight them off," He flexed his non existed muscles.  

He can feel  their eyes roll," One time I did get my phone stolen,"

Gilbert tried to hid his laughter," You mean that shitty flip phone you had?"

"It wasn't bad!" Roderich stopped, making the people behind him groan in frustration," It was very relayable and I don't need any fancy phone,"

"Whatever," Gilbert felt his phone vibrate and he dug through to find it.

Roderich's eyebrows furrowed, "Who's calling you at this time?"

He looked at the contact, " Francis," He pressed the phone to his ear.

"Hey bitch," Gil greeted in their normal fashion.

"Gil," Francis's voice bought Goosebumps to Gilbert's pale skin as he sounded like he just saw a ghost, "Ludwig h-had a..." In between every sentence was a gasp for air and Gilbert's heart pounded in confusion and awe. Roerich and Elizabeta stood by him, hearing their conversation and trying to piece it together.

"A seizure," The words sounded like it hurt to pass his lips after they climbed up his dry throat.

   Gilbert breath went shallow and his hands sweated. He hoped for this to be a twisted joke and he'll hear laughter on the other line any second, but that laughter never came and he was left with silence. The only sound that was heard was Francis loud breathing and his stuttering words.

"He's all right," Francis managed to get out and he finally let his breath free.

"Where is he?" He asked as he whipped the sweat off his forehead.

"I called 911 because I knew he never had a seizure, he was still seizing once an ambulance arrived. They put an IV in and put him on the stretcher. Luckily, They let me go with him. We're both at the hospital, his currently sleeping and he's fine."

"Anything else?" Gilbert asked in a hurry.

"He did pee but that's all," Francis informed," The doctors said it may take awhile for him to recover like a week."

"Okay, okay," Gilbert tried to breath but he felt like there wasn't any oxygen. "I'll be there." He quickly hung up and he felt like he forgotten where he was.  

"What happened?" Roderich and Elizabeta asked, both scared and worried.

"Ludwig had a seizure," That fact threw Gilbert against a wall. He collected the facts all together: Ludwig's been sick for days and could barely walk, he knew something was wrong.



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