Chapter 4

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Ludwig felt more comfortable with his own blankets wrapped around him and his new stuff dog, that Gilbert gave him for his birthday, tucked under his arm. Fortunately, their neighbor, Antonio, was able to bring him some stuff that made him feel better staying the night at a creepy hospital that had thin scratchy blankets and stiff pillows. He couldn't bare to think of sleeping one night in this dark hospital that people could be dying in. Those thoughts left goosebumps down his arms and legs as he held the dog closer to him, breathing in the dog's new soft fur. He shot a glance at the clock: 12:34. He was overly tired, his eyes blinking constantly and his mind drifted off. 

Ludwig tried to keep his eyes shut, but fear drowned him. Snapping open his eyes, he'll scan the room and breathing in deeply as he imagined a dead little girl scaring him. Finally, he was able to keep his eyes shut for more than ten minutes without fearing the unknown in his room. HIs mind was filled with happy thoughts like his birthday party that he was excited to have. His birthday parties were never big, he wasn't very talkative and played with two kids at school. Also, It wasn't a secret that their small family didn't have much money, so a small birthday was all that they could afford.     

The t.v illuminated the dark room with vivid colors from the cartoon and the cartoon became a mystery to Ludwig as he dozed off with Gilbert already sleeping in the chair by his bed. He promised to stay up until Ludwig was safely asleep, but he never kept his promises. 

He struggled to keep his eyes open.He could probably stay up all night without having to sleep, his brother done it many times or so he says. He hated to sleep in odd places; sleepovers at other kids houses were nightmares to him. He was too ashamed to go to the bathroom in case of a problem. Bedtime was scary because his bladder was full and it wasn't strange for his to have an accident and wake up in wet sheets. 

Ludwig feared that would happen here since he hasn't peed all day and his legs shook while his hands held on to himself. His face was flushed from embarrassment and the pain became more and more unbearable. 

He breathed in and out until the pain wasn't so bad, however, he continued to roll in his bed, squeezing his eyes closed. After what seemed like hours, his body finally stayed still and he relaxed, his eyes closed, and he felt himself slowly drifted off.


All Ludwig could recall was waking with his pants wet during a dream. He shot his body up and looked around at the unfamiliar area, his gulps for air became louder and deeper. His headache was thrown at him due to his quick movements and the darkness enveloped the whole room, making his blind to his surroundings. Panic and shame drowned him, earning tears from him.  

This was a normal experience for him at home, but at a scary big place it made goosebumps ran down his arm. At home, he knew to bring his blankets in the laundry room and start the machine; He found that out by watching Gilbert, who usually was still was sleeping and had drool at the side of his mouth, do it. Now, he didn't want to bother him by waking him up, so he knew everything on how to fix it. This time, his brain was in the gutter and his heart was either beating so fast or stopped completely, it all felt the same.  

Ludwig gripped his stuffed dog for comfort and slowly swung his legs over the side, being disgusted by the wet sensation. He tucked the dog under his arm and started to gently take off the pillows, placing them on the ground and then ripping off the blankets. Next, was the sheets that he always struggled with. They were firmly tucked under the mattress and made it nearly impossible to take off quietly without waking up the sleeping Gilbert who snored away without a care.

His breathing stopped as he slowly tucked his fingers under one corner and lifted it off carefully and smiled through his tears once it came off.The other three were the same, quick and easy, yet brought fear to him. 

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