Chapter 2

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☆warning self harm depicted!☆

You look over your mentors notes.

You had to be sure. He would be disappointed in you if you half assed it. You couldn't help but smile as you remembered his long lectures. Advi was a great teacher he was a Zoroastrian Mobed who was your neighbor. He was like you and could tell you were being influenced by powerful entities. He taught you how to control them and banish them. 

Most of his teachings were based on the Zoroastrian faith as it's base. He always said that one must keep a firm foundation when dealing with devils. You are not a Zoroastrian but due to his teachings you use the religions symbols and prayers for most of your work. Both the notebook and the talisman you carry were gifts from him.

You miss him.

The entities have become more aggressive since he passed. You look at the swirling masses  of energy floating around you. There was five of them each were willing to help you banish entities but only one was actually worth your time. They all spoke to you trying to influence you to act as they desire. It gave them power when you did as they asked.

Avi warned you to never give any of them too much power. As each of them will poison your soul in different ways.

You yawn and stretch  in your desk chair. It's been days since you last had good night's sleep. A funny thing that since you live alone and spend most of your time in your room.

"You look tired Y/n you should relax grab a glass of wine! You know indulge a little!" You look up at the violet colored mass. "I'm good!" Your answer caused it to huff in annoyance. Violet as you call her  was always trying to get you to  indulge in pleasurable activities. She promises joy and and euphoria. Of course you know better than to fall her tricks. 

It was a honey trap.

At first it would be great as she increased the euphoria you got from every pleasurable experience, but over time you would have to do more to get that euphoria. Eventually it twists you into a euphoria hazed monster. That would do more and more awful things to gain your next high.

"Why drink when you can just lay down. You work too hard Y/n." A forest green entity joyfully suggests. "I'm good!" He doesn't get upset like Voilet dose. "If you insist! Just don't over do it!" You would probably like Forest if it wasn't for Advi's warnings about him. He was genuinely nice to you but like Violet he was a honey trap but of a different kind.

He encourages you to relax and go with the flow. It doesn't seem bad but it leads to stagnation that causes you to slowly waste away laying in your own filth. On top of that his price for helping you is to make you extremely sick.

The Teal entity floats over your notebook that your trying in vain to review. "That bird you met earlier was interesting. I may have a few ideas on how to aquire her! If your interested!" You swat him away. Teal was always trying to get into his ridiculous schemes. All of which come back to bite you in the end. His price normally causes you lose your mind for a period of time. Thus you avoid his help like the plague. "For fucks sake I'm trying to work here!"

"Yes! Silence you deceitful wretch! She doesn't need your Mad schemes! If she wants the bird she only has to demand it at the price of bloodshed if the old man refuses." You look over at Red and sigh. "Thanks for the suggestion but that's not necessary!" Red is rage incarnate he makes you do violent shit. You don't listen to him for obvious reasons. 

"Silence all of you! Let her work in peace!" The gold entity demanded silencing the others. "Thank you!" Gold was the only one you listened too. He encourages loyalty and order which you are more than happy to work with on top of that the prices  you would pay for his help were always  to do acts of charity. At this point he's the most powerful because you follow his influence. 

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