Chapter 4

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You look at the pages as your robotic friend quietly leaned into your chest. 

You cared not if it was slightly awkward the poor bird has been through alot tonight and you weren't a cruel enough person to not comfort her.  She made small chirps every so often it was actually kinda cute. 

You read the last bit of information from Adiv's life time of studies and finally came to a conclusion of what happened.

So what happened?

Gold and the others are spirits bound to you at birth they were essentially people who never got a chance to live and are ment to help you with rituals to prove themselves worthy of heaven or something like that. At the end of your life they would be judged and if strong enough they will be judged accordingly. You think It's only a theory of Adiv's not a bad one though!

When you gave Gold to much power he became worthy and wanted you to die so he could be judged and be free you assumed. This would explain his willingness to fuck up your ritual and why the others didn't go anywhere. They were too weak they needed you still and were likely going to still work with you if you survived. 

But the bird changed the situation a bit. 

As she combined two very different rituals leading to a unique result.  The ritual she read was a bounding ritual that bound the nearest spirits to the nearest hosts. She also read a containment ritual as well.  Thus the Gold chains. Both were on the same page and sine she doesn't speak Dari well she obviously read both of them. 

Now that you understand the situation you can hopefully work with it. 

The problem is what is her price? 

Nothing is free...

You look down at her as she cuddled into you again. You smiled it was kinda nice. You don't get affection often. You're eyes widen.  You know her price.

She now shared your circumstances!

You're heart drops as you hear Teal laugh in your head.

"That mother fucker!" You grit your teeth. The poor girl doesn't deserve this! You put the notebook down and embraced her. "Don't worry I'll figure this out!"


Toy chica was enjoying this.

Y/n's embrace was so warm. They were up there like this for awhile eventually Y/n fell asleep on her. Poor thing must be exhausted she thought as she picked her up and gently placed her in a more comfortable position. 

She could hear the Spector thrashing in its chains. A simple glance showed that it was purely occupied with its attempts to escape and not on them. With a sigh of relief she cuddled into Y/n. The bliss she felt from the contact was unlike anything she ever felt. She didn't want that feeling to ever stop. 

She heard the familiar clacking of some one climbing the ladder. "They want to take her from you!" Unfamiliar voice stated with venom. She felt a rush if anger directed at the stranger climbing the ladder. Y/n was hers! "Chica?" The familiar voice cut through her rage like a knife. That was Henry! He wasn't going to take Y/n from her! Chica then realized the voice wasn't hers. Something was wrong.  

Once Henry got to the roof he gasped! 

"Chica is she alright?" The bird broke down at her creator's question. Her grip tightened around Y/n. She didn't know what to do. Eventually though Henry managed to calm Chica enough to take her inside where he patched her up. Once done he left her to sleep on the couch in the break room. 

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