Chapter 10

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You smash through the breakaway wall as the small group of people pass by.

"Run fools!" You scream as you rev up the chainsaw in your hands. The group immediately books it as your chainsaw started up. You give chase as the try to navigate the maze. You rip past the twisting halls until they hit the stopping point that's  when they hit the switch dropping a wall in front of you. They have 'escaped'.

You couldn't hold back your laughter as they quickly scrambled out the door. You had to admit this was fun. 

It's been three years and Fazbear Frights is a huge success. You get people from all over the world traveling to experience it. 

"Man those robots are freaky!" You hear a man voice say  as he left Nightmare Chica's area. The most surprising thing about all this is how content the Nightmares are. In fact when they did Learn they were trapped here none of them seemed to really care. Which is a huge relief. 

All of them seem happy here and work well with the scare actors Henry hired.

Speaking of Henry he's doing OK he's still a grumpy old man bit he seems to be doing better. The success of Fazbear Frights has clearly improved his mood.

The only person who's currently miserable is William as we bully the shit out of him. He's constantly trying to escape and it's actually kinda funny to watch his attempts. As none of us will allow it.

You still are careful though you know he's a smart man it's only a matter of time until he escapes.

As for you and Chica things are wonderful.  She has become a prominent member of the spiritual community and is rather talented in getting rid of nasty spirits. Outside of that she works on project Angel and quietly looks out for her old friends. I also occasionally assist her but my allowed time is limited. I myself have been keeping the seals up and work as an actor that chases people. It's fun and you tend to get along with the other actors. 

Dispite all of the work you two are doing you always find time for each other. Most of it is just the two of you stargazing and talking about your day. The rest are small gestures of love like little notes with hearts on them saying I love you. Simple things like that.

You both know that things will be hard from here on out. You've put yourself here intentionally after all but you both know as long as you have each other things will be ok.

You just need to keep Chica away from your knives. 

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