🖤Arranged Marriage🖤

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In actuality, all marriages are "arranged" marriages whether they're arranged by some website matchmaker, our parents, or by Mother Nature and her magic. In each case you're matched up with someone you don't know and with whom you need to – gradually and progressively – fall ever more deeply in  love

"The people we end up married to or partnered up with end up being similar to us in race, religion and class background and age, which means that they might not be all that different from the person that your mother would have picked for you."

 Sivaangi was leisurely watching television and eating pringles chips while her parents who had gone outside returned and were knocking on the door for Sivaangi to open it.Sivaangi was clueless as she saw her parents with filled bags of fruits, silver plates and  dresses.Sivaangi let her parents in while Sivaangi's mom started ranting about  the high prices of fruits and sarees while Sivaangi visibly stood there uninterested listening to her mom's rantings as a sign of courtesy.Sivaangi's dad lovingly placed the holy ash on her forehead while she being clueless asked her dad what was special on this day and why they have bought these many things home.Sivaangi's parents explained to her that her second cousin, Pavitra is 7 months pregnant and will be having her baby shower in the next two weeks and they were going to gift her with all of the bought items as a responsibility of being her uncle.

Sivaangi was really happy to learn the news of her sister's pregnancy as she had known it because of staying in New Delhi for work for the past 6 months.Sivaangi decided to buy something special and modern for her sister's baby shower unaware of  something related to her life is about to take place.Sivaangi always wanted to fall in love  with someone who understands her, cares for her, loves her unconditionally ,fights with her or for her but reconciles with her by his romantic and simple gestures like stargazing, buying her favourite food or surprising her with a moonlight candlelight dinner; well , these all never would take place in her life was always her thought and she thought that it would always remain as a dream for unaware of what is awaiting for her in the future. 

Ashwin was in his hospital going through all his patients records and knowing about his Vip patients' next checkups and appointments.Ashwin received a phone call from his mom who sternly conditioned him to be in his hometown , Coimbatore before one week of his cousin brother wife's baby shower so that he can spend time with them , his grandparents and his cousins as he had been working as a neurosurgeon and he rarely visited  his hometown which upsetted his parents but they were happy that he was true to his profession and was saving lives which made them proud in the eyes of his relatives, neighbours and friends.

Ashwin was a little doubtful about his parents because he had been rejecting all the proposals saying lame excuses that she looks arrogant, looks naive , looks like a baby, looks like a married woman, looks like his younger sister or rejected them due to their requirements where most of the proposals had requested for IT professionals, teachers , businessman or being in 9-5 jobs which immensely worried Ashwin as no one wanted a  doctor  or precisely to say a neurosurgeon who had a hectic schedule and would be under emotional stress if anything goes wrong in the operation and would vent up on his better half. Ashwin was being sceptical  because of this particular reason and decided to confirm this with his cousins or best friends unaware that they are clever at hiding things.

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