⁛Imagine sleepover with your best friend Jimin⁘

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--Image doesnt belong to me, shout out to owner--

-Pillow fights

-Playing  board games 

-Big bowls of snacks and popcorn

-horror/fantasy movies

-Staying up late, talking

-"We should really sleep soon or we'll never wake up in the morning"

You sat on your couch, the school hoiday's started yesterday, and day 1of being bored...yipee... Then, you got the thought of inviting Jimin over, your best friend ever!! You rung, him, gave him all the info, and he said "I'll be right over, and i'm bringing the best pillow for pillow fights." You laughed and hung up. About half an hour later, he arrived. The first thing you did was both watch a movie. A horror one, you both liked being scared to death. You laughed seeing Jimin's scared face, but then he'd laugh at you, running away in fear and looking around the corner, waiting until that part of the movie ended. You both then prepared popcorn with caramel drizzled ontop. You would pause and try to chuck peices in each other's mouths. 

After the first movie ended, You wanted to make Jimin look bootyful. So you took your box of hair ties, hair ribbons, and little stuff like that. Jimin looked rather cute with his silky hair, tired back, finished with a seafoam blue clip. "Jimin you look gorgeous!" You giggled, seeing his face.He was so disgusted by his new bootyful look. Then, he took a bow and tried putting it in your hair. It was a rainbow Jojo Siwa bow you had when you were younger. He chased you around with it, trying to clip it in your lucious hair. "No Jimin, It'll look better on you! I promise!" You yelped hiding behind the couch. 

Then It was second movie time. This one was a fantasy one. You both cringed at the romance scenes! The movie was quite lovley, and it touched your heart. 

 Now...The ultimate sleepover board game...Monopoly! Jimin was always landing on your property, extra cash for you! You would argue over being the bank, Jimin knew you were a cheater at board games. The game was going forever, so you made a few tweaks, to finsih it quicker. Jimin rage quit eventually, making you the winner. "I didn't cheat Jimin!" You laughed, seeing Jimin so full of rage from a board game. He soon laughed it of. Still angry though. 

It was then late, so you both heade upstairs to your room, Jimin had a bed set out on the floor. You'll admit, it was more cozy than your ACTUAL bed. ANyways, you wwere both all wrapped up in blankets. But Jimin sat up. "I forgot what I bought this for.." He siad, smirking, taking his firm pillow in his hand. You sprung to your feet, holding a pillow of your own. The biggest pillow fight commenced. Surprisingly, you hit Jimin first, but not very hard. He was quite strong so he tried not be...He hit you with the pillow across the stomach, you curled up, faking to be in pain. He sat beside you, feeling bad. But then you took your pillow, giving Jimin the biggest whack ever! You accidentaly knocked you bookshelf, making a fe books tumble down. You both dropped your pillow's, getting into bed. Your Mom/Dad checked in on you, peeking in through the door. "You guy head to sleep now.." They left. Pff, you both had no idea what sleep was! 

Hours went by of talking, and feasting on a bag of  chips Jimin had brang along. Then, you both quite needy for sleep. Your eyes were heavy and barley staying open. Jimin was sitting up, rocking to the side. He flopped down, huggin his pillow. It was 2am. You switched off your light, turning on you bed lamp. It was a lovely brightness in the room. Jimin gazed at you one more time. "We should really sleep soon, or we'll never wake up in the morning.." You nodded. "We can sleep now I think. Night night." You both fell asleep soundly, under the breeze of your fan. 

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