⁘Video call on his birthday: Innocent version⁘

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It was Jimins birthday. The most special time ever! You waited for him to call you. he said he would at exactly 7pm...Then...


You pick up.

Jimin: Hello beautiful. Glad you picked up.

YN: Of course! Why wouldnt I?

Jimin: I dont know- anyways-- I got the cake you sent me, and the clothes.

YN: Ahh you did? Did you like them?  

Jimin: I loved them! The jeans were amazing, I'm wearing them right now. *Stands up*

YN: They look so good on you Jiminahh! I saw them in the shops and I thought, damn. 

Jimin: *laughs* Thanks you baby *sits down*

YN: Oh I forgot to say happy birthday! Hows your day been?

Jimin: It was actually so good! We got these large sized coffees, and went out for lunch. 

YN: Oh fun! I'm sorry I couldnt be there. This virus, honestly...

Jimin: I know! I was thinking how much more fun it would be if my baby was next to me...

YN: Oh you cuite, but hey. I'm here now! Did you see what I wrote on the ca-

*Jungkook walks in*

Jungkook: Oh sorry! Did I interuppt..? I just wanted to grab my charger and--

Jimin: Ahhh Jk~~! Nah you didnt interuppt, take a seat. *pats a chair next to him*

YN: Hey Jungkook! Your looking fabulous today.

*Jungkook smiles and bows*

Jungkook: I can head out if you guys wanna be--

Jimin: No no no take a seat! You can stay!

Jungkook: Is YN okay if I stay?

YN: Uh of course! I do not mind one bit an-

*Jhope calls Jungkook from another room*

Jungkook: Oops I got to go, I might stop by another time. See you guys!

*You and Jimin wave to Jungkook as he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him*

YN: I thought he'd never leave! Hahaha I'm just kidding.

Jimin: Yeah, haha! Anyways, back to just us...

YN: Oh what about the cake! Did you see it?

Jimin: Of course I did! *grabs cake* I didnt eat it yet though, I wanted to eat with you.

YN: Aww..Well, lets do it right now! Bring that cake here baby!

*Jimin lifted the plate which had the cake on it, and held it up*

Jimin: Perfect! I was craving to eat it so bad!

*You both sang happy birthday together, and Jimin raised the cake to blow the candles out*

*You both sang happy birthday together, and Jimin raised the cake to blow the candles out*

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YN: Yay! Happy birthday Jiminshii! *claps* 

Jimin: *bows head down to make a wish* 

YN: That cake looks so good by the way. I didnt make it though haha

Jimin: Its okay! Who baked it?  A friend of yours?

YN: Yeah a friend. Jin recomended her, shes amazing baker.

Jimin: Why couldnt you bake it though? *smells cake*

YN: Jimin! if I made it, itll look like I took a handful of rubbish!

Jimin: Got that right-- Your cooking isnt so good.

YN: I will leave this call-- bye--

Jimin: No no no! Dont go! I was kiddding!

YN: I was kidding too! You think I would leave on your birthday! No way!

Jimin: I do have to go soon, me and the others are going to have the actual celebration soon.

YN: Oh okay baby...How much longer until you have to go?

Jimin: About 10 more minutes...Im sorry love-- we can see eachother in person very soon.

YN: Wait huh!? No one told me this!

Jimin: Yeah darling, COVID restrictions are lifting  very soon. You can come over and see me!

YN: No way! Its been ages! I will cry my eyes out!

Jimin: Its okay...I'll hug you for hours, take you out, go shopping, you name it. 

YN: Baby thank you! I cannot wait at all!

Jimin: Just 2 more weeks babygirl...2 more weeks...

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