⁘Spending your last few hours together⁘

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(As strange this sounds, it'll make sense. Also, your not pregnant in this one.)

You were very dissapointed at something... Jimin had to go off overseas to perform a concert with the band. You supported his whole group and everything, but you hated being alone. Sometimes you could tag along but it would be too hard and yeah. Other reasons. 

Jimin enjoyed his concerts and tours but being away from eachother was very annoying. The only way you could contact him was by message or video calling. Jimin woud have to set of on his flight at 2pm, and it was 10am. You had 4hours together until he had to go, so you both decided to spend those 4hours TOGETHER.


You and Jimin had breakfast at a cafe in the city. your breakfast was yummy pancakes, fresh fruit, and fresh orange juice. You and Jimin both ordered different pancakes, so you had bites of eachothers. It was fun, telling jokes and talking about life. 

Jimin was going to meet up with the members at the airport at 1:30pm. So you had the 4hours to both yourselves. 

After a delicious breakfast, you had a beautiful idea.

YN: Hey Jiminaaa? *links arms with him* Can we go shopping at the plaza?

Jimin: Ahh~ yes! We can check out most of the stores, taste some lollies at the sweet store--

YN:  Yes Jiminie! Thank youuuu!


The plaza (mall) was filled with people, but you were with Jimin, so what else mattered? 

You both went to the lollie store first, which sold your favourite sweets. Jimin found some wine flavoured lollipops, which you liked as well. Jimin had always liked the taste of wine, he was the real life dionysus after all (haha) Jimin took two lollipops, handing one to you. 

You both got a small bag each of your favourite lollies, walking out the store. You both headed to the clothing store, in hope to maybe buy some new clothes. Jimin looked around, not interested in the type of style here. You recomemnded a button up shirt, but he kindly declined. You felt bad, not letting him enjoy himself, so you hung a shirt back on the rack. Leaning on Jimin's shoulders, caressing his cheek. 

YN: Oh Jimina, where do YOU want to go?

He smirked, taking your hand. He led you out the clothing store, and into the open. Did he wanna grab a coffee? Go to the art store maybe? Even maybe the cinema I guess? No, he took you down the mall, walking a bit fast, then, you saw exactly where he wanted to go. You stopped, hugging him. 

YN: The Japanese arcade? The new one!?

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YN: The Japanese arcade? The new one!?

Jimin: Yeah, it opened this week. I wanted to check it out.

YN: Thank you Jiminaaaa!

We walked in, going up to the token machine. I took a bank note, inserting it into machine. Then, the machine poured out about 40 little token coins. I scooped them up, putting thm into my cupped hands. jimin did the same, collecting his coins. We went over to a claw machine game, looking inside the glass box at all the prizes. It was a variety of stuffed animals, and characters. There was Hello kitty, Care Bears, Gudetama, and even BT21! 

I freaked out over the Chimmy one, as I inserted 3 coins. I moved the claw, until it was hovering above the Chimmy stuffed toy. I lowered the claw but it didnt grip onto the toy. I groaned, looking at Jimin. He laughed, moving up to the claw game. He inserted some coins, having a go. He spoke in a calm voice...

Jimin: Its okay baby, I'll win it for you~~

I watched as Jimin skillfully moved the claw towards the stuffed toy, and lowered it. The claw actually grabbed hold of the stuffed toy, bringing it closer to the prize hole. But then, the toy slipped out of the claw. I looked up at Jimin, who smiled nervously. 

Jimin: *Laughs* That wasnt me! It was the claws fault!

YN: *Laughs too* Sure Jimin, okay sure. 

We explored a few more little arcade games, and We actually won some things! Jimin won a little keychain with a brown teddy bear on it, and a little anime figure. I won a medium sized bunny stuffed toy, an anime figure, and a squid-game keychain. We were happy with our prizes and we headed out the arcade for our last destination. 


We stopped at a cafe near the airport, it was soon until Jimin had to go. We spent the last hour not taking our eyes of each other, holding each others hands, and hugging/cuddling. We ordered some pastries, and yummy snacks. 

We even got cupcakes without icing or anything on it, because we got little side dishes with various sprinkles, icing flavours, to decorate them ourselves. Mine had a big load of vanilla icing with little heart sprinkles, and edible glitter. Jimin's had chocolate and vanilla icing, with little blue sprinkles, and little yellow star sprinkles. He took a bite of mine when I wasnt looking, and I knew that because I looked at him, and he was smirking evily, licking icing of his lips. 

I laughed, but groaned in annoyance. I leaned over table, ruffling up jimin's hair. he laughed, placing his hands on his head, protecting his silky hair. 

We genrally had so much freaking fun, when I watched him go at the airport, I cried. I cried, no lie. I would miss him so much, but I knew I could call him as soon as he arrived overseas...

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