⁘He reacts to your pregnancy⁘

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(This might be bad, I'm not good about pregnacy and  that so this story do be shit)

Me and Jimin were so close as a couple...One thing was devastating, it made me so upset. 

I couldn't get pregnant. We had tried many times, but no. I couldn't get pregnant at all. We visited our local doctor, and got all the advice we needed, but I was still broken.  All we wanted was a son or daughter to raise as ours forever, you know. 

We had started looking up about  adoption, which would be okay. I was fine with anything at this point. Now, even though I knew I couldnt get pregnant, I still tested for pregnancy, I was desperate. Then, at the end of the year , a miracle happened...


It was early in the morning, about 5am or 6am. Jimin was sleeping happily beside me, all wrapped up and cozy. I had woken up from a slight pain in my lower abdomen. I sat up, looking around tiredly. I turned, looking at Jimin sleeping beside me. His messy morning hair was adorable. I stroked his cheek softly before laying back down to continue my rest. 

Then I got the notification from my body, I needed to be sick. I pratically leaped from the bed and rushed out the room into the hallway to go into the bathroom. I launched myslef  onto the cold tile floor in front of the toilet and did my buisness. Then, I sensed someone behind me. It was Jimin, he kneeleed beside me, holding onto my shoulders. 

Jimin: YN, hey, baby are you okay!?  D-do you need something? Water? 

I nodded, trying to speak between puking. Now, I thought it was just morning sickness, since the thought of me ever being pregnant had faded. I knew it'll never happen. 


I was in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, gazing at myself. I had been sick for a while now, since that time I was being sick for the first half of the morning. I had the thought locked in my mind...Could I be pregnant? Jimin was cooking a sweet lunch of hotteok (Pancakes) so I could call and him not be suspicious. I took my phone, calling my doctor...

YN: Hey Doctor Jeun, It's YN. I have had  the same sickness, what do I do? I'm lost. 

Doctor: YN, I can inform, from what I've learnt, you COULD be pregnant, but we ca-

I panicked, dropping my phone. I cursed under my breath, picking my phone up. 

YN: I'm sorry Doctor! I will um, call you back very soon just let me check something 

I placed my phone down and bent down. I rumuged through the bathroom cabniet and found a pregnancy test I though i'd never need to use. I relaxed, and took it. Now, I needed to wait.


A few hours later, 4pm


Me and Jimin were at home still. He was cleaning up the room and I was in the bathroom again, about to check my test. My hopes that I was pregnant was low, but Doctor Jeun said it was possible. I was scared, I was sweating intensly. I  looked at the test and oh my goodness...

YN: Jimin! Park Jimin I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!

I sat on the edge of the bathtub, my face in my hands, small tears in my eyes. Jimin sped into the bathroom, breathing heavily. He stood in front of me, looking at me in shock and surprise. 

Jimin: No actual way! Let me see that!

I gave him the test and he looked at it. He smiled but looked shocked. He held it in my face, still in complete shock. I noticed small tears from his eyes. 

Jimin: Is this real!? Don't lie YN please!

YN: It's real! Look at it closely! I'm pregnant Jimin!

Jimin: So i'm going to be a dad? A dad!? No way!

YN: Yes Jimin! I'm going to be a mother!

I stood up, hugging him. We both couldnt even believe I was pregnant. We slightly cried.

Jimin: I will be a dad, I might have a mini version of my Queen YN

YN: *strokes his hair* Or a handsome little version of King Jiminie. 

Jimin: *Laughs* I love you YN...My little princess. I love you...

(Aiishhh, 700+ words!?  My stories are getting longer! This is also probably the worst quality story so yeah...But hey...YOLO) 

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