⁘Hickey prank⁘

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It was no joke Jimin was a bit possesive. 

He always made sure people knew what I was his. 

For example, one time, me and him were walking in the city.  We walked past a club, and there was two guys out the front. In the corner of my eye, I saw them check me out. Looking me up and down, and pointing, and doing that annoying whistle. Jimin must of noticed as well, because he stopped, turning to the guys. I knew what was next. He slipped his hand around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, speaking to the guys in a low voice...

Jimin: Hey, see this? Its mine. 

He smirked at me, motioning for us to keep walking. He had to proof his point that he was the boyfriend of me. To be honest, I liked being protected like that. It makes me feel extra loved and special. Sure, sometimes its annoying. Like, sometimes, I'll tell him I'm going out with friends, and he makes sure there are no guy friends. Of course, most of my friends are guys, but he doesnt need to know that ;) 


Anyways, it was a normal afternoon, and I was at my girlfriends house. We were listening to music, reading magazines with icecream. 

I took a spoonful of icecream as my friend said...

Friend: Hey girl, you should get going soon. Your boyfriends gonna let you have it.

I looked at my watch-- 4.56pm. Yeah, if I was home past 5pm he'd get pissed. He would get pissed tonight because there is no way I could get home in 4minutes! 

I shrugged, smirking at my friend. 

YN: *pff* Oh well, he will have to wait. I'll head home at 6.30. 

Friend: Okayyyy-- Jimin will be taking the PISS

I laughed, Jimin was possesive, but eh. He cant control everything I do. By now it was 6.15pm. I would have to go in a bit, but me and my girl were still chilling. 

Then, as I was scrolling through tiktok, she tapped my shoulder. She tapped a place next to her on the bed, telling me to sit beside her. I stood up, sitting on the bed beside her. She showed me a tiktok where a girl used eyeshadow to create a fake hickey on her neck, then made it obvious to hide it from her boyfriend. 

Me and my girlfriend looked at each other at the same time, smirking. 

YN: I have to do this prank on Jimin!

Friend: Okay, if you say so.Oh boy, he will kiiiilllll youuuuu

YN: *Laughs* Oh what? It'll be funny still!


When I came home, Jimin was on the couch, watching a Korean show of some sort. He was still in his suit from work. When I shut the front door, he heard the door shut. He turned his head, with a sharp look. He turned the TV off, walking towards me. 

The fake hickey was on my neck, just hidden by my hair, but I made sure he would see it. 

He back hugged me, whispering in my ear...

Jimin: Baby, your late.

I nodded, telling a total lie.

YN: Baby I know! The traffic was absoloutly terrible! I was scared you'd get angry. 

He smiled, kissing my hand.

Jimin: If it was traffic I wont blame you. Now, lets go and ea-

Oh shit, he'd seen the hickey. I tried to hide a smirk. He led me to the couch, not saying anything about a hickey. Maybe he hadnt seen it? His expression was a pissed one.  

We both sat on the couch, and he turned the show back on. As we watched the show in silence, he suddnenly ran his cold, ringed hand across my neck. I shivered from the sudden feeling. I tilted my head, showing more of the fake hickey. Although, I was kinda scared, what if the eyeshadow rubbed/faded off? He then placed his hand under my chin, making me look at him. He moved my head in different angles, examining my face.

He was so handsome right now. His smooth hair brushed back, his eyes...Bloody hell. He was fine. He removed his hand, rubbing his bottom lip with his pinky. Fuuuuuckkkkk. 

Jimin: You come late...And, someone marked you? Who did?

This was it, my acting had to come in. I breathed in-- I acted dumb.

YN: No one di- what wait? Marked me?

Jimin: YN, dont play with me. Who did it?

YN: Jimin I- I dont know what you are talki-

He sighed, slapping his thigh. He then looked at me with a scary stare.

Jimin: If you prefer someone else to mark you over me, go with them.

YN: *Touches fake hickey* This? You um, no I-- Well no--

He stood up, taking his car keys from the coffee table.

Jimin: YN, if you dont need me, tell me now. I'm okay to go--

I then panicked, I actually began to get hot tears in my eyes. I stood up, hugging Jimin with great force that he almost toppled over. I snuggled into his chest, as I felt his arms hold onto me.

Jimin: YN, whats the meaning of this?

I took my sleeve of my shirt, wiping it on my neck. The purple eyeshadow coming right off. Jimin ran his finger on my neck where the hickey was, and gave a wobbly smile. He made me look at him, holding my cheeks together, making my lips form a pout.

Jimin: Its fake!? Is it fake?

YN: *nods*

Jimin kissed my forehead, he sounded happy and releived.

Jimin: You absoloute naughty girl. You little bully. *Laughing*

YN: Got youuuu-- Never trust the queen of pranks!

Jimin: You-- ughh! You let me pick your outifits for a whole week you--

I ruffled his slick hair, nodded in defeat.

YN: Yeah okay whatever. 

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