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Smut goes to PMs fuk Wattpad rules

Smut for characters 18 plus- please be detailed - be realistic in sizes please! - the female vàgîñà is only typically eight inches deep - that's not to say there aren't pëñîsës that are longer but it's not quite common. Thank you!

•Fill the form out completely- yes you can tag me to pictures but only in your own book. (I've had someone tag me on someone else's OC before and I was really uncomfortable).

No one's perfect flaws exist.

If you want purely smut, I'm okay with that just dm me your form.

I'm doing this for fun not because I have to, sometimes I won't reply and other times I'll reply near instantly.


If I start to get uncomfortable I'll tell you, or delete the chain.

Don't be too dramatic or tragic in back stories please- I know a lot of people do it to give the characters a background but it kinda feels attention seek-y

Don't control my characters! - no more than 2 at a time.

Take into account we might have different time zones.

This might go without saying but since I am a monolingual peasant, keep it in ENGLISH. — If for whatever reason you decide to add a different language, put an English translation.

No text talk - no emojis

❌❌ hy, u good? U luk wrrd 4 abt somth🥺🥺❌❌ ≤ I will delete your comment. *looks st u n' sees ur wrrd exprsn*

✅✅ “Hey, you seem worried about something.” C/N says looking at Eliza, concern written on their face. “You know you can talk to me right?” C/N said in a reassurance.✅✅

Use “” When talking.

No fandom roleplay. I don't like it. I don't understand it.

Don't be rude, don't be racist, don't abuse my characters

NO FURRIES- stop anthropomorphising animals

Nekos are fine; ex Felix from Re: Zero Starting Over
Fairies are fine:
Mermaids: are fine (if I have a character compatible)

Fill the form in one or two replies only, and oy do two if you meet the 2000 character limit

Paragraph properly pleZe.

No more than two powers if that's something involved.

Censor Swearing: fûçk, shît, ß¡tçh, çûñt, pûssy, çöçk, etc

Oh and if your account gets deleted I'm deleting the chain and form, it takes up unnecessary space. And is kinda annoying to see a no pfp, no usernams person just sitting in my comments.

Ay; if I have an RP going with you in your book and you wanna hop on my book. Go ahead. Either tag me and make sure u tell me, or make a form. You're technically already accepted.

Smut is NOT a requirement.

Edit: 5 sentences minimum. Also I'm making another RP book still individual but for like not smut

This isn't a requirement but tag others who might be interested. Always fun to RP with others.

I have no life.

In the incidental case of smut happening inside the book.
Everything is censored. Ex: pússy, çûñt, çöçk, member, shaft, and because Wattpad is weird about random words.
Stróke, and etc. Y'all get it.

Everyone must be 18+

✨means required
Y/N- yes or no









Smut Y/N:

✨If Smut, Turn ons, Turn offs:




✨🥝 Background:

Ahhh~~! (RP)(INDIVIDUAL) $mütty OPENHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin