The beginning

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[Have fun with this ]


Ever since I was young I loved the night. The smell of fresh evening air, the quiet slumber of everything, the moon and it's bright cream colored light. That's why I wanted to show others how amazing it was. But instead I was showing kids sweet dreams, my job was to sing to kids and help them calm down after stel's show but that was usually difficult because her show was amazing or so I was told. Ive never been, not since we we're young. Even then she would find ways to entertain the kids she did tricks and acrobatics, sometimes she even danced on silk through the air! She was amazing, I've heard she added other acts but I've been to bust looking after our shared garden while she was busy making people laugh. I've always wished she would be there to help with the flowers but it's ok, I don't mind caring for her half. I just want to see her more often. As I carefully moved away from the sleeping children I saw the Sun starting to rise up again, that meant it was time for me to clock out and stel's shift to begin. I rolled my eyes already knowing she was still asleep in our shared house. I walked into the house and up the stairs to her room and knocked saying,"Hey Stelly it's almost your shift, don't make me set the kiddos on you again~" Almost immediately I hear scurrying around and the sound of something falling, then her lovely high pitched voice "I-Im ok!! Don't you dare set those little monsters on me their worse when their just waking up!!!" Suddenly the door opens and dim orange led lights are shining through, and there she is in her yellow dress covered in patches in various red, orange, and yellow shades. I've told her so many times that i can just make her a new dress but she doesn't want one, she keeps making so many excuses for it but i know she just doesn't want to bother me. If only she knew I already made her one, it's a beautiful light yellow dress that is about ankle length and the hem is covered is stars and suns, the over dress is a light yellowish-orange  color that matches her long mustard seed colored hair. She wouldn't accept it anyway, she would want to pay me back but couldn't find anyway and feel bad for ages, I know because its happened many times before. As I looked at her I noticed her hair wasn't in its usual braided style but instead all puffy and spread over her shoulders. "Want some help with that?" I asked gesturing to her hair. "Maybe a little help..." she said looking embarrassed. (Adorable lesbians begin!!! Mwahahaha😆) I rolled my eyes and grabbed a brush and some hair-ties.

                             ~{stel/sun pov}~

I sat down on my bed and looked out the window as luna carefully started fixing my hair, I always hated how it got tangled in the morning and today I overslept so I didn't have time to fix it. To make it worse luna had to take time out of her day to help me, she always helping me with things. The garden for one she always makes sure my side is taken care of when I'm busy, sometimes she wakes me up and she usually cooks for us when I've had a long day, i dont know why she's so kind to me. Usually she avoids talking to the adults and parents of kids we watch, but she's always made time to talk to me and the kids. Nows she's braiding my hair and talking about how the kids loved my last show, the way our business works is kinda like a daycare/ theme park of sorts. I preform for people and do stunts while luna watches kids and helps people relax after the rides and my shows, we work on a 12 hour shift 6 for 'sun' and 6 for 'moon'.  Those are our stage names sun and moon and we have to be sun and moon themed, I usually wear bright colors and have a happy Attitude while luna where's dark purples and blues and has a calm attitude, actually her costume is more star than moon themed. It's a pants suit with a navey blue bottoms and fades to light purple top the hem of the bottom is covered in stars that go up the pant legs and one large moon in the center of her chest area on the top, she usually wears a dark long sleeve shirt under it to keep warm. Her shortish black hair often has little star hairclips in it as well, and she doesn't really wear shoes it's kinda just slip-ons/slippers. I like them alot I tried to steal them once, she looked for a whole week and had to go barefoot around the daycare. She found me wearing them in my room one day and just started laughing at me cuz i kept wobbling in them. It was embarrassing. As she finished putting up my hair I layed down on her lap and looked up at her face, her skin was dark and she had little splotches of lighter skin here and there across her body. Her face was lined with freckles and little strands of hair fell from her head onto her face, she smiled at me and then looked back at the Window, it was dawn time for me to get going. I sat up off her lap and took her hand pulling her off my bed, I walked up to my balcony where I usually awaited the kids and waved goodbye to luna and waited for the kid to wake up.

(Well what do u think?  I'll be doing at least one chapter every other day so be on the lookout for that! Tips and suggestions are always welcome and I will do requests if u have any! Byeeeee have a good day!!) (1020 words)

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