Soulmate au part one flowers

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{I caved and need something to write about before I forget about this story so now it's aus till I get a storyline going. Enjoy }

~{Luna POV}~

My day started normally i wake up, spend a few minutes on Instagram looking at cute people then get dressed and go to work. Today though I noticed small blue flowers dotting out around my face, on my forehead and down one of my cheeks. Without a thought I plucked them off and dropped them in a small jar I keep by the bathroom sink. This was a normal occurrence it usually shows up on my face, I guess my soulmate has lots of ache scars if they bleed this much. Occasionally I get a few on my arms or knees so they must be really clumsy too.

Everyone has a soulmate and when they bleed you get flowers, and vise versa. So it was normal to suddenly have flowers sprout out of your hands or knees. I didn't usually get cuts or scrapes so my soulmate doesn't have to worry about flowers but they get hurt alot, an I mean a lot. Yesterday for example my forehead was covered as usual but so were spots on my legs and little patches around my feet. I guess they walked without shoes and got into poison ivy or something but it was so annoying to get all the flowers picked, the flowers root themselves into your skin if you leave them long enough, and if your not careful you can die like that. And it's not uncommon to hear that someone died with flowers in their bloodstream, but that doesn't make it any less gruesome.

As I walk to the cafe where I work I pass by someone rushing to get passed the streets full of people, and in the rush I get pushed into a wall where I scratch the palm of my hand. I look down and see a faint stream falling through my hand, I wipe it on my jacket and continue on my way. As I arrive at work and walk behind the counter to start my shift I notice how quiet it is, there's only a few people in the building and that's the usual free wifi moochers and a few of my coworkers. I don't know them all too well but a few faces I can recognize.

"Slow day." I mutter to myself  walking to the back to find someone to talk to. Just as I reach the door I hear the bell of the front door opening and someone rushes inside coverd in bandaids. They are carrying a few papers,  a laptop, and what I can only make out as a box of bandaids. I walk back to the counter and watch them as they settle down in a booth at the back of the cafe. This day got a bit more interesting.

~{Stella's POV}~

Today is going horribly!! I woke up early to try and cover my face. I get ache fairly easily no matter what I do so everyday I try to cover it up or fix it but I always end up bleeding, then when I look down my foot needs to be re bandaged too! The other day I was walking in my yard and my legs kept itching so I went and found out I'm alergic to grapes. So everywhere is itchy an bloody. After I'm finally cleaned up I look at the clock and I'm late for my date! I left the house a complete mess. I was carrying papers for a class I'm talking and needed to turn in later, I was planning to do that after the date with my partner but of course it didn't work. As I rush down the street I try to be polite but that only gets you so far and as I finally get to the restaurant for brunch I'm a sweaty, poorly dressed mess. So I sit down and try to cool off and my partner doesn't even show up. I text them and call them but...

As I make my way home I deside to grab a drink so I stop by the nearest place. That just happened to be a cafe. I walk in and drop down into the furthest booth from everyone and get situated. But I can't help but feel someone watching me. I look up and it's the Batista!! She's just staring at me with this weird look? I can feel my face turning red so I quickly look down and try to make it seem like I'm here for a reason.  Eventually the Batista walks over and asks if I need anything, I can barely manage to ask for a coffee before she smiles and points at my hand, telling me I have a flower. I look down and sure enough there's a dandelion on the palm of my hand. I pluck it and shove it in my pocket. This is new, my soulmate never bleeds.

As the Batista comes back she sits down across from me and admits that I'm interesting to her. Is that a compliment?! Nevertheless my face turns red and I can't speak. She asks me about the box of bandaids. I tell her I'm clumsy so I always Cary some with me just in case.  After that we talk for a while before she needs to get back to work, she smiles and hands me her number before leaving. Just as I grab the slip of paper I cut my finger on it, a drip of blood falling onto the table. The Batista stares at me while I flusteredly try to clean the mess and put a bandaid on before looking at her own hand. A  small blue flower sprouts from the top.

{Wellp that's my shot at a au. I tried to make it a cafe romance for some reason? But the au is just if your soulmate bleeds u grow a flowers where the cut is if u didn't get it. Bye I love u}

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