The story of sun and moon part two

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Until one day.....

The sun was so tired of not seeing their lover that they decided if they didn't leave they could talk with the moon, and besides it was for only one night wasn't it? Whats the worst that could happen? And so the sun waited and soon the moon rose, and the sun didn't set instead sat with the moon up in the sky like they used to. They sat like that for what felt like year's, catching up an talking and being joyful. The earth noticed and left them to take care of their creations once more. The moon and sun eventually had to part and go back to their cycle. They cried tears of pain and sorrow as they parted and those tears fell to the earth and created man and love. The humans saw each other and were instantly in love they were whole with each other. They spent their days together and eventually had children, the Sun and moons tears were passed down to the children who would find their own love to make them whole. And so on and so forth. The cycle went on for ages until the earth became angry at the Sun and moons creations and split it's land over oceans making it impossible for humans to be whole, the sun's tears were on half the world the moons on the other half. And the humans were empty without their lovers, and as time went on the Sun saw this and cried tears of joy over the moons people. And they were given the power to find their love. And the moon cried tears of hope over the sun's people. And they were given the drive to find their lovers. And so they did. And they all reunited under the dawn where Sun and moon met.

Love of the sun and moon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora