Our little home (separate)

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Sitting in the garden isn't so bad. Its just a little bright is all, i would much rather be curled up on the couch reading a book with stela laying in my lap than be out here but stel loves the sun and more importantly her garden. She loves trying to plant things and sometimes they grow, sometimes they just die or get dug up by squirrels but that doesn't faze her she just tries again. Lately shes been really into growing her own food, potatoes, garlic, peppers, all that and for the most part, its going well. We should be set come harvest season. Currently shes wondering around looking for wildflowers to make into crowns or try to replant in her flower part of the garden. Not much going on there besides wild daisy, dandelion, and violets its still nice to look at them though. I look up at the summer sky, its about noon so i decide to make some lunch to take out to stel. As i walk inside i notice a bird's nest sitting just above our door frame, kinda wedged into a nook where it wouldn't fall but it would be very cramped, ill have to take care of that later.


I carefully balance two plates and glasses in my arms as i head outside to the table standing a ways out near the garden, as i set the food down I look around and cant seem to find stel in the garden or woods area, thats normal she wanders alot. I turn around to look near the house and-


I jump back nearly nocking over the table when i regain my balance i only see stel bent over laughing, her smile is adorable but i cant let her get away with this! I push her slightly.

" What was that all about!! I make lunch for us and this is the treatment I get?"

I say teasingly, stel stops her laughing fit for a second to kiss me on the cheek and replies with,

"Oh of course not my dearest, you just had a ghost in your hair! You have to scare the ghost or its gonna scare you!"

" Huh thats a new one, where'd you come up with that?"

"A book, some old one you have on the shelf, boring as hell."

" Just because its old doesn't make it boring you know."

Stel smiles and shakes her head before grabbing her sandwich and eating it in world record time, then she kisses me and we talk while i finish my lunch. What i cant eat i give to her and she happily obliges, i swear she could never be full. I could make a seventeen course buffet and she would eat the whole thing and ask for more, she would eat it even if it was all burnt knowing that i made it. I love her for that.

After a while we go inside and lay around the house, me laying on stels lap reading to her, her on my lap telling me about a dream she had and how i was in it and what i did. Then we take turns walking around looking for things to do, although its never boring when were together. Moments of quiet nothings are just as exciting as when we are on a adventure somewhere or with someone else.

Its been a few months since we've moved into our house together. Its a two story house with a large masters bedroom and pretty sizeable guest room, though i don't think we're ever going to have guests, a good sized kitchen and empty rooms that turned into a library and arts room, we've also added some of our own touches, repainting and repairing rooms and old furniture, buying new things to fill the house. I really like it, its kinda hidden in the woods just out of town so we have some privacy and can do mostly whatever we want. Stel adores having woods to wander around in, says it reminds her of her childhood town. She grew up in the countryside with woods surrounding the house and feilds outside of that, i just like the quiet, better than living next to a railway. I mean sure you get used to it. It became part of my day but wow, when i slept in the quite for once. It was amazing and awful, it was so quie, aside stel moving and looking for me in her sleep. She always hold my hand so she knows that i'm near at night now.

Its my day to cook dinner and there is nothing... Ill shop tomorrow for now I just order some takeout from doordash and fall on the couch landing ontop of stel, she smiles and looks at me playing with my hair, running her hands through the soft parts.

" your hair is growing out again, very fluffy"

" i know, imma have to cut it soon so don't get too used to the fluff."

"Noooooo u have to keep it! Its actually really nice, maybe i could braid it eventually?"

" mmmm maybe, only if i get a kiss though"

" real smooth hun, you could just ask if you wanted one"

She leans down and kisses me, it draws out for a few moments before we separate, she smiles down at me and starts braiding my small floof of hair, i gaze off into the distance thinking about her and the way her lips always taste like butterscotch, probably because shes always eating some. Dinner arrives and we eat while watching our flag means death i love the show so far. Hope it doesn't end bad...

Well thats that, new chapter, not dead, you should really watch ofmd its in hbo max. Gay pirates if that helps convince you, see yaaaa

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