The story of night and day part one

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Once long ago there was only white. The earth lived with a sky full of white and nothing else. No stars, no sun, no moon. No weather whatsoever. One day as the blank face of earth looked into the wide blinding sky they asked " oh why, why must you be so cruel? My land is bare, and my occupants are dieing! My world is as bare as you!" And the sky shown down upon the bare world, and the sky split open and so was born day, and night. And the world bloomed as flowers and plants and trees occupied days side, and the tides and winds and music occupied nights side. And all was well. Until the earth looked up to the sky and asked " oh skys why must you be split in two why not merge your worlds and work together?  Let the winds and music and tides open to the bright side! Let the plants and flowers and creatures occupy the night!" and so it was done. And the moon sent over music in the breeze and pushed the tides near the sun's side, and the Sun sent over vines to bloom ad lovely flowers and small animals to call  into the nights winds. And all was well. And the Sun and the moon talked and they enjoyed each other's company, and they enjoyed watching the earth and it's creations. Until again the earth called down the Sun and moon and asked of them " my creations are dieing on the moons side, and on the sun's they dance and bloom till they burn! Could you take turns sharing the sky so they can prosper once more? " and the moon looked at the Sun, and the Sun looked to the moon, and it was decided they would take turns sharing the sky. And time was born. 24 hours would be how they decided who's shift it was. And so the moon disappeared behind the Sun. And the Sun sat for the first time alone, the Sun had always had the moon to accompany them. But they were gone. So the Sun sat and waited while the Earth's creations thrived in the sunshine, and when the 24 hours was up and the moon was rising just as the sun set, they looked at each other and ran to each other. They collided with such force that stars were born from their longing And loneliness. And the stars accompanied the moon in its 24 hours. And every dusk and dawn the Sun and moon hugged and traded stars. This went on for thousands of year's quick peaks at each other for only second's before the other leaving until one day....

What do u think?

Love of the sun and moon Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя