The day I lost it all

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~{stels pov}~

The day everything tore apart
The day she fell
She looked like a angel
But came straight from hell
She flew like a dove
And we were in love
And she fell
And took everything with her

It was a normal day I was playing with the kids and watching Luna from afar. I was going to finally ask her out tonight it! We could finally date! And be together and happy!  But I would do it after the daycare closed. So I waited and waited and finally it was after hours. We cleaned and finished picking up the toys and books and everything when I saw Luna looking up to the ropes. "It's about time you practiced again"   I said jokingly, she laughed and walked up to the stage. I followed behind her and helped her hook herself to the rope, I hadn't checked that it was connected right though... It worked for me and I had just used it. It should have worked...

~Luna's POV}~

Stel helped hook me up to the ropes and gave me the all go that I was ok. She sat down at the end of the stage and watched me climb up and start 'flying' it was scary at first. I went slowly and tried to just let go. I guess stel must have noticed I was being stiff and still because when i looked over there she was climbing up her rope to join me, we swung and danced in the air for what felt like forever, it was fun she showed me how to do tricks and turn upside down. I showed her a trick I was working on where I wrapped my leg around the rope and fell. She actually had trouble doing it at first and we laughed and joked about it till we finally calmed down. She was sitting on her rope keeping her balance while watching me. I was trying to mimic her but couldn't get the hang of it. She had year's of practice is what she told me with a laughed when I complained how it was hard to do. Yea she had year's but I only had a few months. Finally we decided to grab something to eat, she offered to go because I wanted to practice a bit longer before eating. I agreed and told her to grab my wallet and get some pizza. " are you sure? I have my own cash". She asked." of course I'm sure go ahead! Ooo and grab a coke for me!! Please!!!" I yelled as she walked out" ok one Pepsi for you then!" she called laughing. I practiced for a little longer when I heard banging outside the back door. I didn't mind it wasn't unusual for cats or raccoons to hang around the back looking for food. After a while I got down from the ropes and went out to check if stel was back yet, I didn't see her car in the lot so I just went back in with the door unlocked an laid on the floor looking at the sky.

Time skip 30 minute

"Hey I'm back! Sorry it took so long the pizza place was packed and didn't have any coke so I had to make another stop." stel yelled. I sat up and helped her put the pizza and soda on the counter near the kitchen area of our upstairs rooms, we are for a bit then sat and watched tv in each other's arms. We got bored of that when all the reruns started playing and went to practice on the ropes.

~{stel POV }~

We walked over to the ropes and got all hooked up, we talked and played for a bit and we're at the very top almost touching the roof of the giant building. When i was finally gonna ask her out when there was a Loud ripping sound... We looked up... Her rope was ripping.
Everything after that happened so slow and so clear. She looked at me. And at the ground. I saw tears in the corner of her eyes and she fell. All I could do was look down and scream. Her hair was flying above her head her arms reached for me and her face... She looked... Relived...? Her eyes looked into mine. There was a faint smile on her face. And her tears were floating up above her head. Then she hit the ground.

~{Luna pov }~

I had never seen stel without a grin on her face.
Today changed that
We were playing around when i felt myself lowering slightly. Then a loud sound. An my like was cut.
I looked at stel. Her beautiful face. Her soft pale skin, her bright golden hair, her soft Green eyes, and her grim dark frown. The smile. It wa gone. I thought back to how we were just cuddling and how she seemed eager to tell me something. How everyday without fail she would be my ray of sunshine. An I smiled for her. With tears in my eyes and my fate most definitely sealed. I smiled bright and wide like she would and I looked at her horrified expression and her looking at my smile an her tears streaming over her face. I raised my arms up almost as if to hold her and she reached down to me. Just to late. And I felt the floor hit me. I felt all the air leave me and I felt empty and I heard her crying. And a loud screaming. And I realized it was me. I was screaming. I didn't want to die. But it faded before I could do anything. Then I opened my eyes and looked up. The stary night was beautiful... Why was I able to look around? Then I heard crying. I looked over and stel was there holding someone.... Me.
Stell was crying holding my body. But then what was this? I ran over to her an held her face in my hands and she cried and shivered. And I realized. I was a ghost.

Time skip 2 year's.

~{ghost Luna POV }~

It's been 2 year's since the accident. The daycare was permanently closed after I was confirmed dead. Stel never left the old building. As soon as she could pull herself together and stop crying she cut her ropes up into tiny pieces and burned them in the fireplace. She just layed in my bed all day and only ate when i would hold her and keep her freezing no matter what. Then I would stop touching her and watch. She didn't try to help herself for the first year. Instead she hoped she would die in her sleep. Then she realized that I wa gone and got a therapist. She was making lots of progress every now and then i would leave a patern of stars in the dust around her house for her to find and smile at. I tried everything in my power to help her and talk to her but I couldn't. Soon she was acting like her old self in front on others. But when she was alone or thought she was she was upset.
Soon she opened the daycare back up and hired someone to takeover my old area. She didn't talk to them and never went over to it. Never even looked at it. When she did she would start crying uncontrollably though. The new person would help her into her room and take the kids for a long nap. The new person was nice. Their name was ink. They really cared for stel and tried to help her in any way they could. Eventually stel started talking to them and they become close friends. Soon after that closer. They dated even though stel didn't acknowledge it. And they were happy. And I was alone. Left to watch them. I cried so often now. Not just because I was alone but because stel got over me so fast. But it was ok. I would just haunt my old area. Help lost kids. For some reason they would see and hear me but not adults. That's ok. It gives me something to do till I figure out where to go. But till then. I'll just try to be happy for stel. She deserves better than to mourn over me forever.

(This is not cannon unless I change this then it is. Hope u liked it especially you ink 🙃" bye bye

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