4. I Think I Will Adore Her

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Nicole's POV

Nicole couldn't help it, she was very interested in Kristen. They had only talked a few times but Nicole found her mind wandering back to Kristen as she worked in the stacks of her library shelving books back into their rightful places. It felt like Kristen was picking up on the easier parts of BDSM as things she had already done before, she might not be a 'little' or 'submissive' per say but she was someone who has done the submissive acts before.

Nicole hated to say it but Aiden had been right, Kristen seemed like a good match for Nicole or at least a decent enough match for Nicole to want to ask Kristen to a chemistry meeting.

Something Nicole enjoyed doing was sitting down with possible subs and having a chemistry date. She liked to see what kind of activities they could do together, mostly outside of sex. Nicole was more of a caregiver than just a sexual domme as much as she enjoyed making a woman come she enjoyed taking deep care for her submissives. She wanted to make sure when they were under her care they were clean, fed, warm, and most importantly, happy. Nicole wanted to be the person who made being happy as easy as possible.

Nicole loved to cook for her submissives, waking them up with their favorite breakfast foods or whatever they desired at that time and day. Nicole came from Old Money Chicago with great parents who trusted her master degree and her abilities to make smart choices business wise. It was her idea to start a library and her parents had been kind enough to invest in her as they had her whole life.

Nicole had also been raised by a team of people; a nanny, a cook, and three housekeepers. Even if her parents were away on business she always had someone taking care of her and making sure she had everything she needed at all times. When Nicole entered her adult life she realized she wanted to do that for other women as well.

And Kristen seemed to be begging for someone to take care of her, Nicole remembered looking at her in the jazz club and how her body slumped when she talked about her last failed relationship. The thing she said most was someone to take care and control when she felt out of commission.

Nicole could do that for her, she was sure of it.

So as Nicole worked she tried to figure out how to send the right text message to get her idea across for a chemistry date. She didn't want it to be too soon where Kristen felt rushed but she wanted Kristen to know she was interested before she went looking for another domme. So she waited until her shift was over and sent out a message.

Nicole: Would you like to go to dinner with me?

She kept it nice and simple and straight to the point. Even if it's not her usual chemistry date, going out to dinner with Kristen could set the tone and the vibe between them, if it feels more friendly than romantic than Nicole could let this go, but if she did feel the connection between the two of them she would like to see where the relationship between the two of them could go.

Getting a text back didn't take any time at all.

Tonight? Kristen asked

Nicole: If you're free, but if not let me know when you are and I will make myself available for that time. Nicole texted back, she knew something Kristen valued was someone making time for her and being there for her she worked her text message that way to let her know, no matter when Kristen was available Nicole would show up for her.

Kristen: I think tonight will work, where did you want to go? She asked

Nicole: How do you feel about Italian food?

Kristen: I like it... but I like seafood better.

Nicole: Well then, let's go to Joe's whenever you're free, I'll reserve a table, what time would you like to go?

Kristen: I'm better closer to nine or ten.

Nicole: Let's do nine thirty, the table will be under Nicole Abshire, does that sound alright?

Kristen: That sounds perfect.

Nicole: Great I will see you then

Kristen: <3

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