22. Your Honesty Is Sexy

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Just a quick authors note and I want to say thank you so much for the influx of comments, readers, and answering my message and letting me know you like the story and wanted me to continue it. it means a lot to see comments and votes so thank you guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Nicole's POV

Nicole watched as Kristen slept in her arms, her sippy long forgotten and on the floor. Nicole watched as the naturally pale coloring came back to her face and the red splotches had begun to disappear as she slept.

The wonderful woman she was holding felt things a lot deeper than Nicole had previously imagined. When she first met Kristen she knew she had a couple sub like qualities but she didn't realize how deeply she needed release. It had been fun the first few times they hooked up but now Nicole was seeing Kristen was truly a sub who needed her guidance and dominance.

In Kristen's eyes she could see how badly she wanted to let go and drop the adult persona and just be small but the words couldn't come out of her mouth. Nicole never liked when her subs went non-verbal and when Kristen was feeling big again they would have to have a conversation about non-verbal safe words, but for now Nicole just felt really proud.

So proud of Kristen for being honest, proud of herself for handling her meltdown well. She didn't know that Kristen had a fear of not being enough for Nicole, or was so upset with herself for not calling her domme Mommy. Nicole knew with a first time sub there would be complications or problems she wouldn't know about until they came up but now she knew going towards the 'corruption' or 'dumbification' route would probably be the best way to go.

It laid close with making her sub do something she didn't want to do or was embarrassed to do but instead of being a humiliating, super taunting domme that usually goes with it she would continue to be her protector, her guidance, and her mommy through and through. There was more Kristen wanted to try but she was too afraid to bring it up yet.

Nicole would make sure to play up on her mommy role unlike before; before she had been taking it nice and slow because she didn't want to overwhelm Kristen but now it seemed like Kristen needed to be submerged in the fantasy, some subs do learn that way but Nicole would have another talk with Kristen soon about boundaries.

Nicole had given Kristen tons of homework before they even decided Nicole would be her domme so she knew Kristen knew a lot about being little she was fascinated by it and played into some of the fantasies but now she needed a little help unlocking from being a big girl.

Kristen wanted to feel free from the adult feelings that were always with her. Her anxiety and fear, tonight she had come to Nicole seeking stability that only Nicole could bring her. It made her happy that Kristen was really beginning to rely on Nicole. They talked everyday about what Kristen was eating, how she was feeling with her disability, if she was happy, and now Kristen realized she could come to Nicole when she needed someone to make it all better when she needed her.

That was what being a mommy domme was all about for Nicole being the person who keeps her little girl happy, healthy, and that in return kept Nicole happy and healthy. They could be there for each other in a way no one else could.

Nicole was also really surprised at how bad Kristen's anxiety was, they had only talked about it a couple of times in the past but now it was clear that Kristen has been living with anxious thoughts for a long time, maybe even her whole life. Nicole knew some people with anxiety didn't even realize they have it because they have lived with it quietly for so long. Kristen was opening up to Nicole more and more and it felt like they were truly getting to know each other on a deeper level.

It made Nicole want her so badly.

Nicole thought back to Kristen's green list, did she say anything about being woken up for sex? Would she still feel little when she got up? Nicole didn't even know how little Kristen feels usually so she couldn't figure out if it would be the right thing to do. So instead she watched Kristen sleep as her panties got wetter with anticipation.

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