Sky of Ash and Dust

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I spring awake freezing, how long was I out for, what the hell even happened? I faintly remember a woman, and a monster, something so horrific I suppressed it from my memory at that very moment.

It's getting colder, I still have a distance to return back to the bunker. Though difficult I can tell the sun is well past the halfway point, this is going to be another close call.

While pulling the wagon I struggle to keep my hands warm, the hand pulling gets tingly in a claw shape over the handle. But I keep some hope that I can get back.

In that dream... thing... what did that woman say? Your story isn't done yet, or something along that line.

I hold my head in my free hand, it doesn't feel very good. I really have to get back before I pass out from either this moderate pain or hypo-goddamn-thermia.

The wind lightly picks up when the size of buildings shrinks. The air whistles with warnings, louder than a banshee's scream.

Just as suddenly as the wind starting it stops, but not as a light breeze. The particles in the air fall straight down, completely vertical.

This doesn't happen, there is always wind.

"Who's there! Come out!" I draw my knife, but as I expected I was just overthinking the situation.

This once lush world full of colour and prosperity was full of phenomena, things which couldn't be explained by science. But no longer, maybe this could be a new one, the air is perfectly stagnant.

I continue my trek back to the bunker, but my paranoia was still on guard. I've adapted this to hear slight cracks, crunches, and creaks, but who knew it could pick up other noises.

I spin around to see that the dust and snow has been kicked up about ten meters back, whatever it was, was fast, very fast.

"Inhumanly fast." I pick up the pace, I had no clue those things were here too. Maybe that wasn't some kind of a dream, maybe I actually did die and woke up again.

Hate Demons.

Once I leave the Ruins, I feel safer, but colder as well, I'm burning the little light I have left. At least guaranteed safety is in my sight.

That thing that was following me has disappeared.

Wasn't the Waiting Room, I think it was called, the only place those Hate Demons be? They are only lost souls after all. They aren't supposed to be real or affect real things.

Yet, they kicked up the powder along the ground.

That impending threat now seems very, very real.

As I started losing sensation to my hands and feet the lift lowered me down into the warmth, which felt a tinge painful on my limbs and face, like pinpricks and sewing needles. But that meant I was still alive. Which for a while wasn't true.

I hang my goggles on the wall and throw my scarf onto the ground along with my coat. My over pants find their way to be balanced enough to not fall down the laundry chute.

Lying on the couch, face deep in a pillow, I wonder if its do time for me to have my first drink. I've been holding off since I have... bad experiences with alcohol...

I've seen the kinds of fucked up shit drunk people get up to, not in movies but in real life. The hate, and abuse both physical and mental. Is dimming down your own suffering really worth it at that point? If it means spreading it to others?

I hold off since drinking alone just sounds sad, especially since the TV people who drink with friends look like they're having a blast doing it, while the loners are always depressed.

And I'm not depressed...

I'm just lonely.

Being in isolation has taken tolls on me, but I've been holding in quite well. I was an introvert when the world after all. And an only child at that, my parents worked all the time, so I had to fend for myself.

I guess everything built up to this point.

But even if I didn't enjoy people then, being alone was fun at first, no one told me I had to do anything ever. And even while Group 12 still had people, plural, in it, I still didn't deal with most of their shit.

But I don't like talking about Group 12, I prefer suppressing it for the most part.

I get up off my butt and trot over to analyze my variety of shows and movies, that of which were originally here or scavenged. The old records shop which also sold DVD and Blu-Ray was very helpful in patting out my collection.

Which ones do I not remember very well, I've seen all of these at least twice, some more than others since they are either humorous or cathartic. Something I need in my life.

Being in a neutral emotional state is helpful since being sad limits my reaction time and being happy leads to me not paying attention and hurting myself. But that's only when I'm scavenging, I can have a good chuckle when I have zero intentions of doing literally anything.

Which is quite common.

"Blade... still too fresh. Magical Mirai 2202... not in that kinda mood. Dragon Maid... Meh." I rummage through until one pops out, "Working! I think that should suffice!"

The disc is delicately placed into the machine. The screen beeps to life as the disc processing icon spins in the center and the small progress bar arrhythmically jumps from one side to the other.

I lean back, and as soon as I get comfy my throat decides to interrupt my enjoyment, "Water, damnit." I pause the first episode and go to pour myself a glass.

As I again rest my rump on the sofa the episode resumes. Since I don't have a normal life, I wonder what it's like to have a normal job, a girlfriend, I guess friends in general. A workplace dynamic, or a love triangle like in other shows or books. But those thoughts are tuned out by the character introductions.

About an hour in I've built a pillow and blanket fort around myself and microwaved some popcorn. For your information, the popcorn kernels were cryofreezed in the deeper freezer which I never go to unless absolutely necessary.

In this case, I deemed the trip necessary.

I have seen this show about four times now, this being the fourth. And I know that it has three seasons, so I base up to hopefully finish the first season in this sitting.

As anticipation builds for an important scene it falls flat as an external power warning shuts down the screen and the lights turn red.

Guess I have to go up tomorrow andfix them as its... extra dark out! 

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