What Once Was

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The directory pointed us straight to the amusement park, where most of the attractions were still standing on rusted brown pillars with chipped paint and faulty bolts. The booths with toys have all eroded with time along with the previously colourful surroundings.

When we step into the large and plentiful room the P.A system spits static noise with undertones of rhythm. "Welcome to-." The robotic voice attempted to speak, but it turned into gibberish noise.

The Park is covered end to end in little rides, most following the formula of spinning in a circle. I walked over to the first one and opened the panel, I press the power button and the lights come to life as more broken sounds which were once music ruptured the air. The components grind against themselves like a mortar and pestle producing a screeching noise. I turn off the machine.

We walk around the deteriorating place of children's dreams, the sense of dread washes over me again as a bright red light shines in the distance.

"Hey Connor," Emma tugs on my arm, "Hey, I think this once has a chance of working." Her voice fades as the light grows brighter.

Emma pulls hard enough to snap me back. "This one looks functional." She points to the Drop Tower-style ride.

"I wouldn't recommend going onto any of the rides, they're usually maintained and looked over every day. But they've been sitting here, untouched, for seven years, the rust as well, I wouldn't even touch it." Emma knows I have a point, but to further emphasize the point I press the activate button on the ride only for the seating area to rise like normal, but as it falls the breaking hydraulics snap, and the passenger part plummets into the ground with ludicrous speeds.

We move on through the massive park, the overarching roller coaster catches Emma's eyes. She asks me to turn on the big roller coaster, I wanted to say no, but I can't bring myself to say it. We navigate our way over and I press the button.

The sound of grinding metal reverberates off of almost everything, I hear the noises of metal creaking before I notice that the biggest support is cracking.

As the cart builds up speed it compromised the support pillars, collapsing the railway and sending it straight towards us. I push Emma to the side before the cart grazes my side and sends me spiralling to the ground.

I lie on the ground dazed as the second cart falls off the track earlier and sends the whole steel contraption into havoc, metal shattering and bending into a pile of what can only be described as iron spaghetti. We both lie on the ground before smelling a faint amount of smoke.

"The rogue cart hit something, right?" I said heavily breathing.

Between Emma's also heavy breathes she agrees. "There could be an electrical fire which uses old pamphlets and magazines as fuel, there is also the padding in the seats as well. We should probably finish our little jaunt through wonderland here." I wholeheartedly agree with her, I prop myself up with the 'Lightly used and definitely not obliterated railing' as Emma rubs her knees and starts walking off to our next destination.

I rush up beside Emma preparing to say something but don't, as I should at least say that I like her before I propose. I bite my tongue and push the thoughts of confession back into my mind.

"Looks like something is on your mind." Emma looks back at me with a keen eye, I stumble over some words before just giving up and telling her not to worry about it. I have so much to tell Emma as I left out everything about the 'Waiting Room' and Clair from when I told her.

I hear faint footsteps behind me, so quiet Emma doesn't notice. I sharply turn back to see Clair silently walking behind us, she puts her index finger up to her lips before vanishing into a puff of dark red smoke. Suddenly I don't think telling her about Clair is good quite yet.

"Something is definitely on your mind, tell me!" Emma states with a very impatient stare.

"I have a... I think I'm just paranoid, the coaster hit me harder than I anticipated." I raise my coat and shirt to show a decent bruise and a bit of blood. "I can walk it off, I'm fine." I can picture Clair nodding in approval.

So, Clair, will I ever be able to tell Emma about you?

"Maybe, wouldn't put your chips on it though. It would be better if she never knows about me, you'll know why later." You and your vague answers, you love driving me nuts with your 'Perhaps's' and 'Maybe's'. "Martivich, you will understand why I am keeping so much hidden now in the end, you simply cannot know yet."

I suppress all physical signs of dissatisfaction and annoyance in hopes that Emma doesn't become further intrigued into the inner labyrinth inside my head.

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