The Cold Road

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Emma is better rested than me, if you listen close enough you might be able to hear how not well-rested I am. Emma turns out to be a good listener as her on-the-dime lookbacks practically spoke her concern.

"I'm fine, I can keep going," I spoke knowing full well Emma didn't buy into it, but as long as I pushed forwards the idea that there is an end is enough to keep me going.

We moved forwards in silence, an overwhelming dread washed over me. I was back in the plains, the vibrant red light flooded me with a mix of depression and anger, I fell to my knees.

"Connor!" Emma shouted while dashing back to help me up, "What happened?"

I forced myself up before she got to me. "I can keep going, I really can. I have to." The blanket of dread continues to loom over me.

"Connor, are you really sure? We can camp out in a building-."

"I'm sure, we have to keep going."

Emma begins humming, the wind is nonexistent letting the melody flow unhindered around. "So tell me why I'm here and what's the reason I am here today?"

I join in "If I recall it was you, you wished that I would stay."

"No matter how much wind will blow against me I will keep on." I breathe in and we speak in sync, "oh oh."

Emma stops and lets me have the next line, "I will keep moving on, to find the answer too."

She turns to face me. "I'm lost in search for you!"

My entire face goes blush pink. "Smooth, that was really smooth."

"I didn't know you could sing?" Emma continues walking.

"Honestly I didn't know I could, and anyways I have no intention of singing again." This wasn't the response she wanted.

"Come on, not only was your singing not bad, but I'm also the only person who'll hear you. We could be an awesome duet!"

"Ain't happening," I said as direct as possible.

"To be honest Martivich, you weren't half bad. I'd give you a 7 out of 10, which is a high rating from me since my average rating for everything is a 4." Thanks Clair, that's good to know.

"Since we're heading to a mall, I'm shocked you haven't made any shopping jokes yet." I think the idea of humour went over her head.

"I just can't think of any right now, just not in the comedic mood I guess." Emma shrugs.

We turn the corner and the mall is in sight, it's a lot bigger in person. "How many floors you reckon."

"Three, easy." I think her answer is probably correct.

"How many Hate Demons you reckon?"

"Too many." Probably also correct.

The two of us stand in front of the building, we are both slightly shocked by the surface area of the whole shopping center. Most of the windows are shattered, but since we'll be going through the place it shouldn't be much of an obstruction.

"Connor." Emma pulls my sleeve. "How many shops do you think there are?"

"I have no clue, we can say about thirty per floor, times three, that's about ninety shops."

She smiles. "Ninety shops, we have to visit each one!" Emma gets a firm grasp on my arm and dashes inside. Can't say I hate her excitement.

Emma and I disappear into the mall, Clair stands outside looking in. "Interesting, so he can bend fate. That's not good, not good at all."

"Anything which can bend, can break."

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