The Place My Dearest Longed For

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Eyes red with tears and covered in snow I force myself up and look towards the two-story cottage sitting in the center of the snow-laced field.

I look back to where Emma's body was and rummage through the clothes, I find the ring I gave Emma and put it onto my ring finger, it's a tight fit but I made it work.

One foot in front of the other I carve my own path knowing now that I have to wish for Emma to come back to me, alive and smiling, as I approach the snow gets thicker, slowing me down as if it doesn't want me.

On the front porch, I sit on the swinging chair and rock away half of me wants too badly to step into the woods and die, that overpowering craving for a sweet release is halted by me opening the front door and looking over the well-decorated interior. The house is coated head to toe with a light layer of dust, but not a burnt marking or scratch to be seen. This looks like it's been abandoned for a month instead of surviving a planetary war and left to rot for seven to eight years.

I enter what appears to be a living room, I take the blanket off of the couch and sit in front of the powerless TV. I take a breather before heading deeper in.

The kitchen has a fully functioning and fully stocked refrigerator. I checked the gas stove to see flames appear and pressed a minute on the microwave to see the light turn on and that humming noise it makes. The wine cabinet is thankfully stocked as I have demons to drown away as my overabundance of demons is finally getting the better of me.

I emerge into the living room to check the TV to see if it works. Only one channel is available, I enter it to see that every show, movie, game, and piece of music I have is available. Maybe this place is better than I gave it credit for, this is real magic if I've ever experienced it.

The place has a functioning bathroom and running water. I hesitate to enter the basement, so I go upstairs to see what awaits me.

I hold the packet of seeds as a constant painful reminder that the only reason I'm here is because of her. The one I'm going to wish back to life so we can live happily ever after.

The upstairs has photographs of people I've never known ranging in ages and genders, place and ethnicity. The main hall is lined side to side with photographs.

Then I see one of an Arab man with a dog. These are photographs of everybody who's made a wish.

Looking up and down the hall I see an empty frame.

I check the bedrooms to see that the closets have clothing of my size.

I check the second bedroom to see that that closet is empty. I sit on the bed and continue to run possibilities through my head, is living any longer in this unjust world really worth it even if it is with the one I love as I only get one wish.

This house exists beyond time and space, so I could do anything with this power.

"Not everything Martivich," Says Clair leaning in the doorway, "you said you were going to remove the Imerians from existence, remember?"

Standing up I look at Clair. "Well, I remember, but what do you mean by 'Not everything'?"

She scoffs at me, "You've gotten this far into the house and haven't read the Rules of Wishing, then again you've been through some extremely traumatizing experiences so I can say you're wrong."

"Clair can you just, shut the fuck up I'm trying to think here. Please just, go away." When I look up Clair was no longer in the doorway.

I take off my shoes and lay on the bed contemplating everything that has led up to this very moment.

In the morning I wake up expecting Emma to be lying beside me like always, or at the odd time Emma is shaking me awake saying that it's time to move. The memories of her pain me beyond what I could begin to imagine, and the emotional suffering I'm living through is nearly paralyzing.

I don't want to get up and make a wish, I hoped I didn't wake up. But the overwhelming fact that you can't die here makes that goal extremely difficult.

I force myself out of bed and dress in new warm attire.

When I walk downstairs I smell warm cooking. I turn the corner into the kitchen to see cooked bacon and perfectly scrambled eggs, it was a dream come true. As I enter the living room I see the book Clair was talking about, wedged between two bookshelves was an alter with a thick book on top with a thin piece of fabric separating two pages.

I have my breakfast in front of the TV like back in the bunker, rewatching a show to understand what the world was like before the ended.

I put the dishes into the sink and walk over to the mysterious book.

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