Hopes, Dreams, and Visions

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I throw the duffle bag on the ground in front of Emma, she sees the blood on my clothing. "Before you ask, this isn't my blood." Emma nervously steps beside me. I still myself on the cold floor and hold my head. "Let's just say, I had a family reunion. Yeah, a family reunion, let's stick a cork in that one and call it a day." I cant wash those memories from my head.

Try as I must, I attempt to relax. Emma sets up the makeshift tent. "Don't try drinking Connor, it won't help."

Memories of Neil flash through my head. "Didn't plan on it." I'm better than him in every way, I know that as a fact.

I force myself to my feet and help with moving the stones. "Did you find anything interesting?" I ask to take my mind off of the events that just transpired, as seeing a demonic interpretation of my father figure die in my arms eats further at whatever is left of me.

"I found some canned food, some expired food, and a couple of jersey places. Did you find anything interesting?" She can tell that I was keeping something hidden, maybe it's because I have blood on my hands that I said wasn't mine.

"Where do I start?" I remember the jewelry stand. "There was some jerseys, a lot of rancid hotdogs, like a lot of hotdogs. I went into the locker rooms and-." I was about to talk about Neil. "Found the tarp." I focused more on getting it set up.

Night came, we got a fire going with some of the wood Emma found. She leaned a bit away from the flame while I admired its warmth.

"Emma, do you want me to tell you exactly what happened today?" She slowly nods. "Well, it started back when the S.C.S.S destroyed the Earth."

"And Nelson died again, but at least he got to say goodbye this time." I was sad, but not crying. Emma on the other hand was crying, a lot. "But I have you now, and I don't plan on letting you die. We're going to get to 'The Place Where Wishes Come True', and live happily ever after." Emma wiped her eyes and smiled.

"I know we are. But how about we get some rest first, today must have been very demanding of you." She got that right, I lay down on the blanket and begin drifting off.

Some time passes and I can't fall asleep, I peer over to my companion who has already done what I seemingly can't. I notice how incredibly lucky I am to be around her, and how I've taken her beauty for granted.

I exit the tent to walk around a little. "She is a gem, isn't she Martivich?"

"It has been a while Clair, hasn't it."

"I only talk to you when necessary, I hope you know that. I'm not the type for small talk." Harsh, you could've at least tried to be polite. "My apologies Martibitch, that was mean of me."

I tap my foot as I control my frustration. "If you aren't the type for small talk, then why'd you start the conversation in the first place."

"You have a question you want to ask, and I must answer it before it's too late." I look around myself. "You know what you want to ask me. So, say it."

I take a deep breath. "Is 'The Place Where Wishes Come True' actually real. There, I said it." Clair subverted my expectations.

"Yes, it is very real Martivich. More real than you can imagine." I ask her why she can't just use her divine powers and make us magically appear there. "I can do that, but I can't for reasons I cannot explain to you."

A deafening silence is broken by Clair. "Do you believe in fate, Martivich?" I clear my mind of all thoughts. Clair's omnipresent voice disappears.

I return to bed.

A magenta forcefield separates me from the forest surrounding the entire field. I reach towards the blinding red glow and call out a name only for the red to disappear into the darkness of the treeline. I fall to my knees and close my eyes. I hear a click sound.

I snap awake and a throbbing pain spreads across my forehead. "Ouch!" I open my eyes to see that my head and Emma's collided.

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