Red as Roses (Mini-Chapter)

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"Should we get going?" Emma looks away as I put on a change of clothes, I step out to let her change.

"I have something I have to do first, so you can pack everything up while I do a final sweep of this level to see if we missed anything valuable."

"Sounds like a plan, chief!" Emma disappears behind the tarp, I set off knowing full well where I'm heading.

I pass the rows of old food stands to find the one booth I'm looking for. I gaze over the vast selection of jewelry, but I'm not sure which to pick.

There are so many rings to pick from.

"You really do care about Emma, don't you?"

"I love her Clair, I really do. When we get to 'The Place Where Wishes Come True', I'm going to propose to her." I say as Clair walks up beside me.

"I may not look like it, but I'm not the type for romance. But that's incredibly sweet. Then again, you're the one marrying her, you should be the one picking which ring you drop to one knee to give her." Clair could tell that that's the one answer I didn't want to hear, we awkwardly stare before she buckles. "Well, I'm not married either."

The case has a variety of styles and colours to choose from, so many its overwhelming to the senses. Both me and Clair stare over the display of accessories. "You... really do love her." Clair almost whispers.

"I do."

"Could you describe love to me?" Clair swallows with a slightly shaking voice.

"Love is..." I struggle to think of a definition, "When that empty, aching feeling in your chest is finally filled with something or someone. And you only know that it was really love when that empty feeling comes back again. And I know that empty feeling all too well."

Clair, for the first time since I've met her, smiles. "So, that's what love is. Thank you." A tear forms in the visible eye.

Clair points to a ring with a scarlet gemstone. "I'm not pointing it out because my colour pallet is almost all red, but because it looks nice." She steps out of my field of view and disappears as if she was never here.

I break the glass and grab the ring. Grabbing a little ring box, I slip the accessory in and rejoin Emma. The ring is secure in my backpack.

"Gosh, what took you so long? I could've taken down the tent, put it back up, and taken it down again!"

"I found nothing, lets's go."

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