The Path of Despair (Mini-Chapter)

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I slide down the outside of the ventilation shaft, once my two feet reconnect with the permafrost dirt, I hand motion Emma to climb down as well.

She slides herself down the side and into my arms, we slip through the fence and into the woods before the Hate Demons knew we left.

Hopping over protruding roots and jagged stone we job healthily through the cloaked and dreary woods. Emma slows herself down to a walk, I match her pace. "You need a breather?" I slow down further to stand beside her.

She stays silent for a second. "Don't worry, we'll get there soon enough." Emma leans into me.

We press forth under the darkness of trees in silence, I wonder why these trees haven't been eviscerated by the S.C.S.S, but that can probably be answered by the magic of 'The Place Where Wishes Come True'. I begin to grow a tad impatient with how long it is taking us to get there.

The treeline begins the break ahead of us.

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