The Fall of Group 12

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(Content Warning, Readers Discretion is Advised)

We've been stuck together for just over a year now.

Neil didn't come out for breakfast today, which everybody was happy for. The topic of throwing him out was brought up numerous times between bites of yesterday's leftovers. Normally I don't chant into these adult conversations, but I spoke out. "We really should."

Everyone was shocked. "Why shouldn't we, he only drinks, smokes, and hurts us."

"He's a soldier, if anybody comes to ransack us, he'll defend us. That's why he's here." Jaiden tries to defend him.

"Nelson could do a better job than Neil could dream of."

The door behind us creaks. "What was that you little shit? Did you just say something about me you bitch boy?" Neil steps out of the room.

Nelson rises from his seat to stand between me and Neil. "He did, and every word he said is completely damn true. So back to your den and stay there, or else imma cave in both your knees and throw you in myself."

Neil smiles. "So, the fucking %#$$er thinks they're better than me!" He draws a karambit knife. All the members around the table have shocked faces.

"What does that word mean... ni-" Xavier cuts me off.

"It's a really, really bad word, don't say it."

"Since we're throwing around such words, then this is the final call honky. Sit your ass down or else I'll sit it down for you." The tension was high.

Xavier got up in an attempt to disengage it. He stood between the two men. "How about, we don't spill blood, nobody wants anybody else to die." Neil didn't like this.

"Shut up, I have to take out the trash."

"Oh, so I'm trash now. Because it sure would be a shame if somebody got shoved down that garbage chute." Lisa and Jaiden grabbed me and pulled me further into the kitchen.

"Get out of the way!" Neil shouted as I gazed over the counter. He pushed Xavier towards Nelson and swung the knife towards Nelson's face.

"Xavier!" Jaiden ran around the side of the counter. Xavier had a massive gash across his entire face, clipping one of his eyes, bone showing.

Nelson pushed the dead Xavier onto Neil and started relentlessly beating his face in.

Lisa stood in shock as I set my eyes on my objective.

Jaiden held the slashed corpse and cried over it.

A loud bang startled everyone as they turn to see me holding Neil's pistol. "Everyone! Stop it!"

Nelson socked Neil in the face one last time before standing up. He took the knife and threw it onto the counter. "This mongrel doesn't deserve to live, he's less than human. He's the scum I cleaned from pipes, probably worse, more like cancer, a disease which the only cure is death."

Neil in total silence walks back into his room.

Nelson collapses from exhaustion, I drop the gun to ease his fall. "Lisa, grab a first aid kit!"

"Kid, I ain't dying, not yet at least." He smiles, "I just need a breather."

Lisa wraps Nelson's knuckles as I move towards Jaiden, who is still holding Xavier's body. "That... monster." Her voice trembles.

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