Vita on Ice (Mini-Chapter)

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An ice rink, Emma for some reason wanted to use an ice rink. We decided to borrow a pair of ice skates from a hockey store located suspiciously close to the rink, almost as if the stuff they sold involved ice.

Emma chose a cute and fitting pair and set off onto the ice, since I wasn't interested and didn't know how to, I sat on the sideline watching in. She fumbled around for a while and lost her footing but found a rhythm and pattern to her movements, she was elegant, no other word for it but elegant.

I would swear the clouds parted above Emma and let the sun beat down upon her.

She flew across the ice as if she was floating on air, Emma proceeded to show off with numerous spins and figure skater tricks.

Since Emma was hyper-focused on her performance I skulked off and found a pair of skates that fit me. After returning to the rink, I tied on the skates and step onto the ice, this immediately grabbed her attention as she glided her way beside me to help.

"If it isn't blatantly obvious, I haven't done this before." After getting some balance she switched from holding my arm to only my hand, I fumbled around and managed to stand on my own two feet.

We skated around smiling. "You know Connor, I'm so glad you believed me. To go all this way out for someone you just meant, this all means a lot to me."

"Well, I came all this way out because..." I couldn't keep eye contact with Emma. "Because." I tried to continue but was interrupted.

Emma pivot-turned right into me, she grabbed me and pulled our faces extremely close together. "I know exactly why Connor." Before I could interject our lips connected, I close my eyes as she did hers and hugged Emma back as I had nothing more to say as our actions spoke infinitely more than words ever could.

But that blanket of dread weighs more than it did before.

I opened my eyes as we let go and fell to the ground.

"I knew almost this entire time Connor, I knew you loved me, and I'm glad to love you back." That sentence had a hiding meaning underneath it as that feeling of déjà vu or dread continued to compress my chest.

I pushed myself to my feet and forced a face like I wasn't feeling it. "Do I get to say that I love you too?"

"You just did, now let's get back to the tent now."

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