The Connective Dream

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I scan over the map again. "Okay, let's try to solve each problem one at a time. This route here," I make a circle with my finger around a large road.

"Right here, all the way to here, are covered in debris, the wind has eaten away at the buildings causing them to fall. So we have to find a way to go around that."

"Couldn't we just go through the wasteland?"

I lean back to get a better view. "Hypothermia, those high winds could turn you into a popsicle in seconds if you're not careful." That's a hyperbole, but still has some truth behind it.

We could go more through the city, weaving between buildings, but that puts us at higher risk of the Hate Demons. "You have any ideas about how to..." She's drawing on the map again.

"We could get from here, the bunker, to here, the arena. We could spend the night in the arena, then make our way to the mall. Spend another night, maybe gather some supplies, then head off to the factories-." I cut her off.

"Those factories are right next to the forest, Hate Demons definitely have numbers in there." I desperately try to find another way around, but to no avail. Factories are unavoidable.

"Next predicament, entering the factory. It's surrounded by gates, and nobody is going to open them for us." I scan for any entrance points.

"This building is about the same height as this factory, so we could jump from this building into the factory. I know it sounds dangerous, but it sounds cool as well." Emma smiles, I give her a disapproving look.

"Let's just use wire cutters."

"Hypothermia, surviving the nights are going to be difficult. How do we plan on surviving negative stupid temperatures?" Emma rests her chin on intertwined fingers, letting herself go deep into thought.

"In the arena, we could create a campfire and sleep by that." She thinks again. "And at the mall, we could search for a tent or something similar."

We discuss rationing and what we should take with us, as packing light is the best bet with how time is not on our side. And I can't imagine lugging such quantities of items such a distance.

"Connor, the walk from here to the arena, that's more than a day's walk. We probably can't make that during the day, unless we brisk jog the distance which I know I cant do." Her point is valid, but good thing I had a plan for this.

"If only I had all the car parts to make the vehicle work. It's a shame." Emma notices me suppressing a smile.

"You did it?"

"It's fully working, all we have to do is gather our belongings and depart. We depart tomorrow as early as possible, we need every second the day can offer." I smack the table as I stand up. Emma has an ear-to-ear smile.

"You're really going to do this Martivich?" I turn the wrench as hard as I can.

"I can try, and that's all I can do." I crank it again.

Silence fills the room.

"Clair?" She's silent.

"You don't have any defence against the Artires." Of course, she looks on the pessimistic side. "And I'm going to assume you didn't mean me to hear that."

In order to defend ourselves from the Hate Demons, we can use either fire or decapitation. I'd assume fire is easier, but I don't have a flame thrower so that's difficult.

Clair's voice is in my head, I feel schizophrenic talking to her. "You aren't though, I can tell you that." That's something a schizophrenic person would tell themselves.

"A Molotov could work since I don't drink. But would I have enough?"

"Fifty percent alcohol is flammable, but under that amount probably isn't worth it. You should try to find a liquor store and steal some, assuming they aren't broken."

I finish up the car just before supper, I quickly make something for the two of us.

I didn't sleep well that night, doing this is incredibly risky. But if it pays out it might just be worth it.

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