Chapter 12 ~ Hydra

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This is written in third person, as it is showing HYDRA,  and what is going on with them. By the way, the bold is me speaking, just to let you know my lovelies

"Mission report?" Pierce sighed.

No one spoke. Not a single movement was made, as the HYDRA leader began to grow impatient with them.

"Mission Report Now!" This time, he demanded already knowing the answer,but desperate for a response.

No reply. Pierce let out a sigh, causing Rumlow, to chuckle lowly. In the process he couldn't help the smirk appear on his face, making some of the others to cower backwards slightly.

Pierce stood up straight, nodding to Rumlow, he turned on his heel, soon hearing an eruption of bullets, screams and pleads, back inside the room he was just stood in.

Others would have been horrified, but him, it sounded like music to his ears. Soon after around 45 seconds, of gunfire, it all went silent.

Pierce smirked to himself, as he turned to the left, reaching another corridor.

Rumlow followed behind, quickly catching up, after committing mass murder. He broke into a quick jog, soon arriving at Pierce's side. Rumlow was like a little lap dog. He'd do what he's asked, completing the task, without hesitation. On the other hand, left alone too long, he will go out of his way to reach his master, or please him in any way.

Both Rumlow and Pierce, didn't see it that way, but most of everyone else did.

"I hate failures" Pierce said shaking his head, "I don't understand why people can't get the tasks done. Take the Winter Soldier. He was a perfect success, until other enhanced soldier, come along ruining most things in his path. But, HYDRA will not fall, we won't let it." Rumlow nodded, silently agreeing, as he kept his posture.

Soon after, they were met with a white door, at the end of the hallway, inside containing special experiments, undergoing, due to Pierce's demand.

Pierce strut through the door, carefully observing his surroundings, not sparing a second glance, as another test subject died. This frustrated him. Why wasn't this working? He wanted this perfected, as he had the perfect candidate, ready to be poked with needles, as soon as he said the word.

"Why isn't it working?" He said raising his voice.

One of the scientists looked up, as the others remained scurrying around, "It is Sir, and we believe we have perfected a singular dose."

Pierce smiled, and began to clap, soon after, the whole room erupted into cheers, as they had a successful serum.




Rumlow was sent off, on a mission, with a strong, solid team of 16, 17 including himself.

They had clambered their way into 1 black van, with tinted windows, careful with their approach.

They were now coming up with more strategic ideas, even more so handy, plus the element of surprise. All of this would be key for in a few minutes, when everyone else went into bed and drifted off into a deep slumber, unaware of the events to come, during the night.

The agents were all aware, of the dangers - after all they were HYDRA agents.

After about 2 minutes, they all managed to infiltrate the building, after all security systems, were taken down, giving themselves a silent approach. They split into groups of 3. One person stayed in the drivers seat, as the getaway driver. The others were split into two groups of five and one of six.

Of coarse, Rumlow had the strongest team, making him effectively more lethal. But in the end, they were all to leave unharmed, and with a mission success.

Rumlow and his team took to the stairs, as they looked throughout the whole building looking for the right floor. They assumed, that it would be likely in one of their rooms.

Most likely from what they heard, either Bucky, Steve or Sam, due to the circumstances of the recent events.

HYDRA knew all the details, due to still having eyes and ears, everywhere. Especially, the one Agent Sharon Carter. Unbelievable, no one quite understood how she had managed to quickly get to Steve. And yet, none of them noticed. Most likely, due to Steve not opening his mouth, to share his... luck.

Pierce had soon inferred, that Steve had a soft spot, as long as you weren't an enemy. Or in Sharon's case, as long as Steve thought you weren't an enemy.

After searching a few floors, they reached Sam's floor.

Carefully, Rumlow made a silent entrance, and seeing no signs of what he believed was just a mutt, he quickly exited, before resuming the hunt for the mutt.

Not a second later, over the comms, they all heard someone speak up, "Found the mutt, floor 68. Should we engage? Or should we wait for backup?"

Rumlow quickly said, "Wait, we're on our way."

After this, they all began running up the steps, until they reached the 68th floor. When Rumlow opened the door, they were greeted by the other team.

Rumlow immediately made his way to the room, containing the mutt, before stepping in, seeing the dog straight away.

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