Chapter one: Y\N and Chris Evans meet

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                      Third person Pov:
One day before Chris Evans decided to quit acting. He just got done filming The Gray Man with Ana De Armas. He also broke up with his girlfriend Paris after he caught her cheating with his best friend and former co-star Sebastian Stan. So he told his agent Allen that he wanted a new career path. So he decided he wanted to become a professional wrestler.

Y\N Pov:
Y\N Y\L\N is a 25 year old from Y\H\T who is tried of being made fun of and was told they are nothing or not good enough for anyone. So they go home and watching wrestling because it was escaped of their lives. And Y\N is obsessed with the wrestlers, the divas, their outfits and the pyro. So one day Y\N saw that legendary wrestler Terry Funk was looking for people who wanted to trained and become a professional wrestler. And Y\N took it as a sign and called Terry Funk's wrestling school. And they accept Y\N and off to Texas you went. But little did Y\N know that a former actor is going to be Y\N training class to become a professional wrestler.

Chris Evans Pov:
My agent Allen said I was crazy for leaving the acting world behind and I wanted to become a professional wrestler. To be honest with you guys I never watched wrestling until I was with ex girlfriend Paris. She was a huge wrestling fan since she 6 years old. My ex girlfriend Paris wasn't even a fan of my movies and it broke my heart. Because I always support my ex girlfriend Paris with her love of wrestling. She didn't even like Football, Basketball or even hockey. And since I am from Sudbury, Massachusetts. And in Massachusetts it is a huge sport state. My ex girlfriend Paris was from Maui, Hawaii. I met her there when I was promoted my last Avengers movie back in 2018. And I thought she was beautiful and gorgeous woman. She was a reporter for E News. She even reported on my ex relationship with my three ex girlfriends like Jessica Biel, Minka Kelly and my last relationship with Jenny Slate. But she was very professional during the interview and the interview which was myself, Anthony Mackie and my now ex best friend Sebastian Stan. We all cut up and laugh at some of the questions Paris asked us. And she even shows us pictures of us when we were younger. So that same night after I told my agent Allen I was done with acting. I saw a TV ad for legendary wrestler Terry Funk was looking for people who wanted to trained and become a professional wrestler. My ex girlfriend Paris late dad Mike was a huge fan of the legendary Terry Funk. So I call Terry Funk's wrestling school. And they accept me immediately and now I head to Texas so that is where I am going. My family said I was crazy for quitting acting and wanted to become a professional wrestler. But I said this was my choice. But my mom Lisa was fearing the worst because I am her second born child and her first born son as well.

Y\N Pov:
So I finally made it to Texas and I was ready to prove to the people that made fun of me and said I wasn't good enough as well. My plane ride to Texas was OK besides a lot of crying babies, old men coughing on me and women looking at me like I was crazy. I am currently stay at a cheap hotel because I can't afford anything expensive. So I went to my Y\F\R and got you a coffee. I wasn't paid attention to where I was going. And I bumped into something or someone hard. Because I fell on my ass and I looked up and saw a man must have been in late 30's to early 40's with beautiful Blue eyes and he had short brown hair and he had a brown beard. And I could have I sworn I see this man before. But where and when?

Chris Evans Pov:
I finally made it to Texas on a private jet and I am staying at the Hilton hotel here in Texas. My plane ride to Texas was amazing because I have major anxiety and some mental health issues. I can't stand kids crying, people coughing on me and asking for my autograph. And the papazzari are no joke since they found out about me and my ex girlfriend Paris break up. And me quitting acting and I wanted to become a professional wrestler. So I know I want meet the legendary Terry Funk until tomorrow. So I decided I wanted to go sight seeing and see what Texas is all about. So I went into Dunkin Donuts to me some green tea. After I had got my green tea. I accidentally bumped into a girl because she was pay attention and she hit my chest and laid on her butt. And she looked at me like she knew me and maybe she does know me because I used to play Captain America \ Steve Rogers in the #mcu from 2011- 2018. Or she probably seen my other movies as well.

What are Chris Evans and Y\N interactions going to be like once they realize they are both trained to become professional wrestler by the legendary Terry Funk. And when there will be sparks between the two. Or when Chris had to take some time from his break up with his ex girlfriend Paris.

Author note:
I just named Chris Evans ex girlfriend Paris so anyone named Paris read this story. Please don't get mad at me.

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