Happy 3:16 Day to everybody

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Today is the day dedicated to the toughest Son Of A Bitch and WWE Hall Of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin. And I am so freaking happy to be a huge fan of the middle finger gesturing, beer drinker, stuns anything or anybody that gets in his fucking way especially The piece of shit The McMahon Family. He is famous for the most known catchphrase like Don't Trust Anybody, Fuck Fear, That's The Bottom Line Because Stone Cold Said So and so many more. He is also known to drink a hell of a lot of beers. He has a beer he selling call The Broken Skull IPA sold over the entire USA. He had countless rivals with the likes of The Rock, Triple H, Kane, The Undertaker, Jbl, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, The McMahon, Edge, Christian, The Miz, Cm Punk, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Aj Styles and his wrestlemania opponent this year Kevin Owens.

Again Happy Austin 3:16 Day to everybody else and please use your middle fingers and drink beer and please drive responsible. And also watch all videos of The Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin himself today.

The song playing for this is Stone Cold Steve Austin theme song called I Won't Do What They Tell Me To.

And by the way this is an author's note as well.

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