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Winter was up late reading in the nest she'd made on the couch. While 'the chair' was perfect for tv watching, she liked to read from a nest of duvets and pillows on the couch, preferably with a warm hot chocolate in easy arms reach. Her book was good and so she was the only one up when Karina stormed in from her date. It was the only way to describe Karina's huffy entrance. She burst into the apartment, catching the door before it slammed into the wall, then huffed, loudly enough for Winter to be well aware of her mood.

"Good date?" She asked cautiously from behind her book, as Karina stomped her way into the living room, the normally graceful girl had clearly turned into a baby elephant.

"Great date," Karina agreed but was still glaring furiously at her, something she could sense from behind Abandoning a Cat. Slowly she lowered her book and met feline eyes and the fierce expression in them.

"What?" She defended, at the accusation in her best friends eyes.

"The kiss," the brunette growled.

"I thought my lesson was very... um... thorough," she offered hopefully with a small smile that faltered at the expression on Karina's face.

"It was great - the kiss not the lesson, but I was good...or not terrible and yet when I kissed Ryujin it all went wrong," a pout fixed itself on her face at that.

"How can a kiss go all wrong?" Winter sat up properly and grudgingly shuffled up on the couch, lifting her duvet so Karina could join her in her nest. Internally she was smiling from the compliment about her great kiss - it had been a fucking spectacular kiss.

"It could go wrong easily!" Karina informed her as she curled up into the duvet, "She went one way and I went the other and then, well it felt strange, like her teeth kept knocking mine. Your teeth didn't knock into mine. And her tongue, well, I couldn't do anything with mine because she kept shoving her tongue into my mouth like it was a dish brush and my mouth was a dirty jar."

"Sounds delightful, that Ryujin is one smooth chick," Winter said with a chuckle.

"This morning was so... so..." Karina sought the right word, "well... it was so incredible. What did I do wrong tonight?" she turned her large eyes on Winter, and the blond swallowed at the sight.

"I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong," she reassured. In Winter's opinion Ryujin was a pushy girl in general, always grumpy at students that were too slow to get to the counter, or needed help. She'd slam the book she was working with down and roll her eyes and then when she instructed you on how to locate the book you were after she'd go too fast and miss steps. Winter could imagine her doing the same when it came to kissing. Or being a lover in general and missed steps generally didn't amount to a very good time. Or maybe she just didn't like Ryujin because she didn't trust her not to mess around her best friend.

"But Ryujin is so..." Karina deliberated her word choice, "so sexy and experienced... she reminds me of you... the fact that the kiss pretty much sucked can only be my fault."

"I hate to tell you this Karina, but this morning was pretty incredible for me too," Winter nudged her shoulder against her friends, wishing Karina didn't think Ryujin was anything like her at all.

"Really," Karina brightened for a moment and their eyes met and locked. After a second she looked down and frowned, "Then why was it so awful with Ryujin?"

"Maybe...I don't know...nerves?"Lack of chemistry, sexual tension, skill.

"But that was the point of this morning...to get some experience so I didn't make a fool of myself and wasn't so nervous. I thought I got it and yet I still managed to make a fool of myself."

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