Chapter 1

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"You've been a good person and a phenomenal friend", Ray Ray said. He was thinking on what to say to Roc before he left. "Nah". He balled the paper up and threw it into the trash can. Now he began to write a paper anew.

"Hi Ray. watcha doing?", said Princeton as he came in, bouncing his afro and friendly sat next to Ray.

"Oh nothing. Trying to figure out how I can tell Roc how I feel. It's just so hard".

"I can see", Princeton replied as he looked at the trash can filled with crumbled attempts. Then a thought ran in his mind.

"Jake why is it so hard to explain what I feel? Have you ever felt this? You probably have".

"Mmhm yeah".

"Well how do you tell someone who you highly doubt is attracted to the same sex that you have taken an attraction? If only you can help me with this". Rayan gave up and flopped backwards on the bed.


"So have you ever been in a relationship with another guy Prince? Not to seem intruding on your life, but you know I've never had the guts to do it. And maybe from your situation (if any) you can mentor me on how to tell him. Before he leaves".

"Oh okay".

"You're not even listening to me". Which was in fact true. Princeton was at work. He gathered all the balled papers and undone the crumble I them. He then grabbed a high lighter in the area.

"What are you doing?", Ray Ray looked at Prince in confusion. And he replied with a simple, "hush. I'm at work".

Within ten minutes of evaluating all of the papers, he began highlighting. "Well I know a way you can do this. You can take little sections out of each paper and piece them together, giving you a masterpiece".

"Prince that's a great idea. You're a genius".

"Of course. I didn't get this old being stupid".

"Shut up You're only nineteen".

"Son I'm wise beyond my years".

"Okay I believe that. Pass me the papers in the exact order it sounds best in".

Jacob passed the papers and Rayan evaluated it. He began to write, he smirked and giggled a bit. When he was finished, he began to read it out loud to Jacob to get the approval that this was the letter to be. Princeton looked slightly puzzled but then got interested and he began to draw into the words.

"That's it? Damn I was so interested, and felt it was gonna go on forever", Princeton said.

"It did. As you can see I took two sheets of paper, front and back". Rayan flipped both papers. The paper was beautifully adorned with the cream and French pink shades mixing in between as the black writing complimented the soft and subtle nature of the paper. Only one thing to do, spray something flattering and seal the envelope.

"Thanks Prince. You're a real help".

"Any time Ray", Princeton smiled and hugged his friend. "Feel better"?

"Kinda. Still majorly nervous".

"Keep yourself calm, the worst thing he can do is say no, or not being interested in boys. Or probably get creeped out, so creeped out he will never speak to you again and-".

"Thanks for the motivation stupid".

"Sorry. There's just endless possibilities... But don't think of them. You'll be fine. Now lets go get some lunch".

The two met up with Roc and they headed down to a nearby sandwich shop. They had to take a quick MB meeting to talk about a few things and upcoming events. Prince and Ray sat together on one side of the booth and Roc sat on the other side, leaving Ray to look him in the eyes.

"Well prodigy said he wants to come back, and we're still waiting on this new member to come. I believe he's coming next, Tuesday I believe", Jacob said.

"Roc you're leaving on Tuesday", Rayan added.

"unfortunately, I wish it could be sooner, but everything's been set and can't be changed. But I have an idea. How about for the rest of this time, until Tuesday of course, we have fun and make memories, as members of Mindless Behavior". Chresanto cracked a smile to hide the bittersweet feelings behind leaving the group.

Princeton sipped his beverage and replied with, " that'll be nice. What do you propose we do for fun? Ooh. Beach, six flags, the grove, party, we gonna be turnt".

"Well you seem to have it all figured out", Rayan chuckled and tugged on one of Jacob's curls. He noticed that Chresanto was studying him for a quick second, and quickly grew embarrassed.

"So Roc. What you planning on doing when you go"? Rayan looked over to Roc, the full and plump lips slightly wiggled around as he thought. Ray Ray felt a rush of a feeling coming over him, like a hot flash. His body did feel hot as he stared into Chres' sweet yet masculine eyes.

"I probably might go into a solo career. I don't know yet. But I will most definitely keep in contact with you all. Y'all my bros". Chres dapped them both and they all had lunch.

Hi everyone. Well here's that new story I promised. Well I'm expanding my mind on these bxb mindless stories. Hope it will be as good as Diary of a Misfit a.d the sequel, Love and Literature. Y'all the best readers, giving me y'all feedback. Y'all comments got me . Oaky y'all, love each and everyone of you and more to come soon!!!!

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