chapter 10

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Rayan woke up listening to a pretty voice humming in the morning. He looked at the clock, 6:34.

"I don't know how you can wake up this early in the morning. I'd be cranky like a mug". Rayan turned to the other side and saw Elijah's shadow, soon saw his busy body walking over to the couch with two tea cups and a teapot.

"Morning tea". Rayan smiled and took a cup, Elijah pouring tea into it.

"Don't tell Prince I took his last green tea", Elijah giggled. Rayan at his head on Elijah's shoulder and watched the steam dance off the liquid. He took a sip and looked at Elijah. "Too hot?", Elijah looked back at Ray who nodded in agreement. "Don't burn yourself Ray ".

"You know, I think you're a beautiful person, Elijah ".

"Thank you, but you just noticed? I use Shea butter instead of lotion and it's way better for your skin".

"Not what I meant but okay".

"I know what you meant.  You're a great person too, I don't even know why what's his face didn't see that". Elijah took the honey dipper and swirled it around, making a pretty pattern in the tea.

"You know it's practically cuffing season. Why don't you have a lover?".

"Well I already do have one", Elijah smiled and glanced over to the window where the sunlight barely started to reach the horizon.

"Oh. But you kissed me last night and I thought we had something and and-".

"Wait, I didn't finish. I love him so much and I know he does too, and his name is Rayan. Do you know him?".

"I think I do".

"Ray, I love you. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Elijah batted his lashes and gently brushed his lips against Rayan's.

"I thought you'd never ask". Ray pushed the kiss and felt all mushy on the inside. Both of their eyes lit up with joy and they couldn't explain what they felt in words. Elijah pulled his phone out and began to take pictures. 

"wait, don't take pictures in not looking good", Rayan covered his face and giggled, followed by roughly fixing his hair with his fingers. " okay now I'm ready". they took pictures and enjoyed their morning with each other.


"bitch you have no idea what i will do to you!", princeton yelled through the wall. he stopped what he was doing and looked for wherever Rayan was, in the kitchen. 

"im not scared of you. fight me mothafucka. i will kill yo ass!", rayan screamed back as defense. Elijah just came through the door and saw the two all up in each others' faces ready to sqaue up, and for the first time, everyone was shocked. Craig came from outside in the back, who was also shocked. Elijah was very angry, usually he's happy and so optimistic. 

" you two have gotten on my last nerve. both of you sit down now!". princeton looked unchanged and stared Elijah down.

"and what are you gonna do if i dont?", he said testing his boundaries. Elijah grabbed Prince by the shirt collar and threw him to the couch and yelled SIT. "now im sick and tired of you two arguing. its not doing either one of you any good, now we are going to sit here and talk it out like civilized people".

Elijah pulled up a few extra seats for him and Prodigy. "now Rayan. Why are you mad at Prince?".

" hes nothing but a no good, back stabbing, fast ass trick who has no respect for himself or anyone else".

"lets keep this on a professional level. no name calling please. now Prince why are you mad at Ray?".

"he has such a strong tendency to lie".

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