chapter 2

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"We've already done everything we wanted to do", Rayan said as he looked in the mirror while Jacob was humming to himself. "He's leaving tomorrow and I still didn't get a chance to tell him. All to me being scared".

"Aah relax. You still have all day today to tell him. And even a bit of tomorrow".

"Prince you know how it feels to be built up with emotion, how do you get rid of it?".

"Well I meditate as you can see. But it all depends on you. Maybe you can give meditation a try". Jacob sat on the floor and played music from the Relaxed Melodies app. Rayan looked at him strangely at first, but then decided to try it out.

"Close your eyes. Let the music soothe your mind.  Deep a breath in, and out. Let out all the tension and relax". Jacob guided Ray through his usual routine, to him it was just a routine, but to Rayan it was miraculous work being done.

"This is peaceful. I like it", Ray Ray said as the stress melted away and he found his inner Zen. Everything was soon soft and melodically peaceful and it couldn't have been better. It was thirty minutes later when they finished and figured out what else to do for their day.

"Jake how's about we stay around here and just have an at home day".

"I would like that, but I don't know is Chresanto would wanna do it". Then out of the blue, Roc came bursting through the door.

"Aye guys. I know what we can do today. Okay now don't look at me like I'm crazy.... but we're gonna go see a psychic". They looked like he had lost his mind. Roc shook his head and laughed, heading for the kitchen.

"come on guys, It'll be fun".

"well Ray. You wanna give it a try?", jacob said slighly hesitant, yet interested.

"Well. Roc if that's what you want to do".

"yesss. Trust me guys you won't regret it". He then went outside.

"What did we just get ourselves into Prince? A psychic?".

"aye. You never know. They could tell you about your future successes".

"relationships too?".


"Alright then. Lets go".

The three had left for the psychic reading. The place looked like a dark, secluded hole in the wall. It scared Rayan in the beginning. Roc opened the door and could hardly contain himself from the excitedness and adreneline rushing through his veins.

"hello. How may i help you", said a voice. Her voice was really thick with an accent and she slid from behind a dark red velvet curtain. She was a short lady of around 40-50 years of age, deeply sun kissed skin much like an indian, long black hair with a scarf tied on her head. To think if it she looked much like a gypsy. "you're here for a palm reading I see".

"yeah. How'd you know?", chresanto said cheerfully.

"i am psychic. that and thats the only thing people come for. Nobody really want to do tarot. Anywho. Do take a seat".

they all sat down and waited. Rayan looked around and studied the room: bottles with odd colored stuff, fermenting in it. Also some figurines, look like voodoo dolls to him. The room had a deep red presence on its walls, dim lighting, and it smelled like herbs.

"i am Madame Shulska and this is my daughter, Netula. She will be helping me in explaining". Netula shyly smiled and sat next to her mother. "Alright whose first?".

It was quiet at first as the boys looked at each other, but it was Roc's idea so he went first.

"okay. You will give me your dominant hand. You have three lines: life line, heart line, and head line. Netula will explain what they mean".

"I can start with the life line. Now your life line is pretty long. That means you are a strong figure that people need that will help them in difficult times. Next, heart line. Now this one is short and straight, meaning you need more freedom. You express love more so in actions over words. Lastly, your head line. This line is long and it means that you are a creative thinker. and that is how palm reading works. By the way, each of you will have a different reading. So whos next?".

Soon after they both did het their readings and it was almost time to go, but Ray decided to get another thing done that day, while the others were touring the place and asking questions on Madame Shulska's business as a psychic.

"Uuh Netula".

"Yes. How may I help you?".

"... do you all do spells?".

"Yes we do. All kinds. Family, luck, beauty, love-".

" I would like a love spell. How much do they cost?".

" for you, no charge. I can tell you like you're friend. The muscular one no?".

" pshhh no. What makes you think- no ".

"Yes you do. I can feel it".

"Well okay. Maybe I do. Just quiet down. I don't want them to hear about it".

"Okay. Follow me".

Netula walked into another room, this one quite small, and it smelled like expensive oils. There were candles, cards, and more bottles and jars with stuff in it. Netula sat in a chair on one side of the table and Rayan the other. Them she got her supplies needed.

"I just want you to relax and I will work my magic.... get it magic". They both giggled which ended up helping Ray loosen up. She asked for his name and wrote it on a piece of paper, and grabbed his hand.

"Okay now I'm going to prick your finger for a sample of blood".

She poked his ring finger and dragged it on the paper, making a heart with the blood drops. She placed a red candle on top of the heart and lit it. Rayan looked into her Brown eyes traced with heavy, seductive eyeliner. She wrote down a chant and handed it to him.

"Now I want you to say these words aloud".

"Okay..... God of love, hear my pleas, bring thy lover straight to me. Manifest by bright moon light, I shall see my lover at night".

And finally, Netula got a charm on a black string and tied it on his neck. She blew out the candle and handed him the paper with the blood heart stain.

" put this under your pillow tonight and don't remove it, and do not remove the necklace. For the next three months, you will get clues of who your true love is in your dreams. When they admit that they love you, cut the necklace off, bury it, take the paper from under your pillow and burn it".

"That's a lot to do, but I think I can handle it".

"Oh I almost forgot. Every day until they do, put this once a day on your wrists and behind your ears. The scent will call to them and bring them to you, and drive them crazy for you. You can start today if you want". Netula smiled and handed a pretty little roll on perfume bottle with a potion she had made.

"Thank you Netula. And how will I contact you if I can't explain my dream?".

"Mother doesn't allow phones, but you can write to me. Send to this address".

"Alright. Thank you again. And I believe I will be writing soon", Rayan said. Just then he heard the boys calling him so he gave Netula a hug and left. He applied the scented potion and headed to the boys.

Hii guys. I wanted to get creative so I thought of the spell thing. Don't try it by the way, cause I just made up the spell. I don't know if it would really work. It would be cool if it did though. Anywho, hope you enjoy it so far. That's all for now until I update. Byeee!!!!

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