chapter 6

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"You see I told you this would be nice", Elijah laughed as they were zoomed into the sky, twirling upside down, and dipping.

"I don't know why I let convince me of doing this", Rayan screamed as his eyes were closed shut, holding onto the door and hoping it was all over soon. There was a carnival that was across the street from the Chinese food restaurant that was in the area. Elijah was screaming with joy and was having a great time, but with Ray it was a different ball park. Soon the ride came to a stop and Rayan melted out of the seat and Elijah looked at him like he was crazy.

"Ray. Look what prodigy got me", Princeton yelled from afar as he ran to the two with a big lime green bear.

"Ooh that's nic-".

"Ray you okay cause you look like you gonna-". And that's when he ran to the nearest trash can and up came the chow mein. Soon they had made it home.

"I told you that you'd like it", Elijah said as he opened the door and popped some cotton candy in his mouth. Rayan came in dragging along with his handon his head, trying to relieve the pressure, followed by throwing himself on the couch. Princeton was still his love struck self as he was giggling at Craig's jokes.

"You okay Ray?", asked Elijah.

"Yea... I'll be fine". It was quiet at first until Elijah came back with a Tylenol and a glass of water.

"Thanks Elijah", he said.

"Call me Ej". Ej smiled and started his way up the stairs.

"Wait. Come back". Elijah turned and slowly walked back down the stairs. Rayan signalled for Elijah to sit with him on the couch, so he did.

"I had a good time... I really did. Well except for that one ride".

"I see. But if I knew you'd end up like this, I wouldn't have made you go on. Sorry".

"No it's fine. Really".

"You sure?".


Elijah started to hum a tune that he had made up in his head not too long ago, it soothed Rayan to a chi. Right when he was about to fall asleep, he remembered to ask Ej a question.

"Aye you know when I came to your door? Why were you cruing?".

"I wasn't crying. Like I said it was eye drops".

"Eye drops don't make your eyes red last time I checked".

"Well to tell you the truth, it's hard for me to make friends. I never had any really in school. And I just wanted one of you all to be a friend, and I chose you". Ray softened up and felt a little lump in his throat for that.

"Oh... Well if you want, I guess I'll be your friend".

"Ooh thank you Ray. Thank you thank you thank you", Elijah smiled.

"Why you always smiling?".

"I guess I'm just a happy person. You know, I believe if you smile, the world smiles with you. You should try it some time".

"Oh and what's that supposed to mean?".

"Nothing. I didn't mean to offend you", Elijah looked down at his nails that grew so pretty ever since he grew out of the habit of biting them.

"I was just playing. I got whatcha meant. You know, I think we should do things more often if you want me to be your friend".

"I know. Ooh we can go bike riding, camping, fishing-".

"Aye I said I'll be your friend, not your daddy".

"And if I wanted you as my daddy?".

"Excuse me?".

"Kidding, Kidding. Well I guess we can do more modern things".

"Whatever floats your boat kid".

Elijah got up and started to walk, but then came back.


"What's up?".

He pulled Rayan into a long deep hug and saying, "thank you for a really fun day".

"Yea. Any time". Then he started his way the stairs with Rayan watching him ascend.

"Something about that boy". Rayan didn't want to think about it so he just lied there and waited for the medicine to kick in. He then got up to go to his room and change into nightwear. There was light flashing from Elijah's room: He was watching a movie, so Rayan decided to get a bag of lays and a 2 liter from the kitchen.

"You up for company?".

"Always. Come in".

"I see you've settled in well. Nice decor ".

"Welcome to my little space. Sit here with me", Elijah patted the the blanketed floor and Rayan made himself comfortable.

"So what are we watching Elijah?".

"Flashpoint. Hope you like it, it's my favorite".

They watched until they both knocked out. The morning came and Rayan couldn't breathe right as he felt weight on his chest, and he had his hands cupped on something. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that Elijah was sleeping on top of him and he was holding Elijah. He could've sat him on the side, but he didn't know what to do and it felt comfortable to him.

"Good morning", Elijah said groggily. He noticed he was laying on Rayan and Rayan with his hands on Elijah's thigh and back. "Oh I'm sorry. I'll get up".

"We didn't do anything right?".

"I don't know, and if we did?".

"Well it stays between us. Wait.... you like boys?". Rayan looked Elijah up and down looking for an answer.

"Well yeah. I thought you knew".

~Flashback... well sorta~

I was in the the men's locker room at some place, probably the pool since it smelled like chlorine. Although I was alone in the room, I felt like someone was watching me. I turn around and nobody was there, then I turn around again and yet again the dark figure came, buy this time he was using the locker next to mine.

"You have cologne I can borrow" it said. I wanted to say no, but my hand reached for lotion and not spray, then gave it to him.

"Thanks sexy", it said.

"What did you just say nigga?".

"Drop the clothes". Then I looked at my body and my clothes disappeared. Before I was able to find something to cover myself up with, it grabbed me with its strong muscular hands and threw me onto the bench. I feared for my life but yet I had a feeling of arousal.

It began to rub my body with the lotion, but his main area that he touched was my genitalia. I felt violated yet it felt pleasurable even though I didn't know why. It grunted with its deep and masculine voice, which let me know it was a he.

"Can... Can you please... stop". I tried moving my arms but they were tied to the bench along with my legs, leaving me to accept the enticing torture.

"But you know you like it". He than began to pull on my hair, and I couldn't take it anymore. He finally stopped and the ropes burned off.

I hurried and put my clothes on and asked, "why did you do that?".

It responded with, "I thought you knew".

~Flashback over~

"Well it's good to know", I said to Elijah.

"And I'm guessing you do too". I felt a hot flush come over my face as he said that and he smiled like he usually does. "Don't worry. I won't try anything". I just shook my head and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

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